User reports getting the following error message when their Email2FaxGateway test fails:
Failed to create instance of CDO configuration object
- GFI Faxmaker
- All Supported Environments
Root Cause
- MAPI CDO can be a requirement depending on the user's setup.
- Windows Updates can update, modify, or unregister files needed for GFI FaxMaker.
If you are using Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010:
Ensure that Hub Transport role, Microsoft Messaging API and Collaboration Data Objects version 1.2.1 are installed.
If you are using Microsoft Exchange Server:
And you are not installing the fax server on the Exchange server machine, you must install Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1 on the GFI FaxMaker machine.
If this issue started after a Windows Update:
- There is a possibility that some updates could have updated, modified or unregistered files used by FaxMaker.
- Reinstall FaxMaker to resolve this issue by restoring all the necessary files.
Priyanka Bhotika