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The Size of a Single Page Fax


The size of a fax page will vary according to the contents of the fax and also according to the format of the report.

This article provides some sample file sizes (in KB) which may help you plan for bandwidth and hard disk usage. 


Note: These are approximate sizes. The tests were done using the amount of text that one would normally find in a fax.

Type Size (in KB)
Full Page Half Page One Line Image Message Body
PDF 145 80 20 40 25
TIFF Group 3 115 60 15 35 20
TIFF Group 4 70 35 5 25 10
GIF 135 70 10 30 20
JPEG 840 440 100 250 150
PNG 70 35 10 20 10
FAX 115 60 15 35 20 

Find out how to change the format of the fax report.

Note: Some of the file types shown above like PDF, TIFF, and FAX support multi-page documents, while the others do not support this. For the other file types, each page in the fax will be sent to the user as a separate file (but in the same email).

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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