Inconsistent or Sporadic DTMF/DID routing when a Dialogic Brooktrout TR1034 fax board is used with GFI FaxMaker.ENVIRONMENT
- GFI FaxMaker
- Dialogic Brooktrout TR1034 fax board
Note: If using an Analog DID or Digital TR1034 fax board, the Max DID Digits value needs to be configured under the Port Tab settings for the device. The value of the Max DID Digits variable should be precisely configured for the amount of digits being provided. Example: If 4 digits are being provided from the Gateway or Telco, the Max DID Digits value should be set to 4TR1034, Analog DID
- Stop the GFI FaxMaker Services and open the Brooktrout Configuration Tool, from the All Programs Listing, in Advanced Mode
- Select the Module Listed in the Call Control Parameters section on the left
- On the right, select any ports that utilize Analog DID in the 'Protocol Options:' section, then click the "Show Advanced>>" button
- Modify the 'Max DID Timeout, sec:' value from the default of 5, to a higher value (a value of 7 would be a recommended modification)
- After modifying all Analog DID ports, save, apply, then close the Brooktrout Configuration Tool. Restart GFI FaxMaker Services and allow for inbound receipt of faxes
- Stop the GFI FaxMaker Services and open the Brooktrout Configuration Tool, from the All Programs Listing, in Advanced Mode
- Select the Module Listed in the Call Control Parameters section on the left
- On the right, select the Port A tab: and verify that 'T1 Robbed Bit' or 'T1 QSIG' shows in the Protocol Options: drop down selection at the top
- Note: IF 'T1 ISDN' Protocol Option is being used, the following option is not available. Also, the Protocol Option configured should be provided by your Telco Vendor
- Select the "Show Advanced>>" button, then locate the 'Max DID Timeout, sec:' variable. Edit this from the default of 5, to an increased value (example: 7)
- Save, apply, then close the Brooktrout Configuration Tool. Restart GFI FaxMaker Services and allow for inbound receipt of faxes
Note: The below instructions use an example of a TR1034+P4V4F-4L (4 Port, Analog Loop-Start TR1034 Fax Board)
- Stop the GFI FaxMaker Services and navigate in Windows Explorer to the <Program Files (x86)\GFI\FAXmaker\brooktrout\TR1034\Boston\config> directory
- Locate the 'callctrl.cfg' Configuration File, make a copy of this file for backup, then open this file with notepad for edit
- Search the file for entry of 'num_rings', stopping at the first entry to edit
- When parsing this file for 'num_rings', start at the top of the file. With a 4 Port Analog board, there should be 4 entries before reaching the commented area named: "SECTION FOR ANALOG BOARDS"
- Modify num_rings entry to equal a value of 0 (zero) for each port. After modification, it should display as: num_rings=0 for all ports
- The first entry for 'num_rings' should display num_rings=2, where 2 is the default value for all ports. It will show in a section displayed similar to: [module.2/port.1], where module.2 indicates that the TR1034 is operating on Channel 2, and port 1 indicates the first port
- Save the edited callctrl.cfg file and close, then restart the GFI FaxMaker Services and allow for inbound receipt of faxes
Priyanka Bhotika