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HTTP error 403.4 when trying to access the GFI FaxMaker Website



The following error is displayed when trying to access the GFI FaxMaker Website (http://SERVERNAME/Faxmaker):
Server Error in Application "DEFAULT WEB SITE/FAXMAKER"
HTTP Error 403.4 - Forbidden
The page you are trying to access is secured with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).


  • GFI FaxMaker 2015 and above
  • All supported environments



  • Method 1

Use HTTPS instead of HTTP protocol
for example: https://SERVERNAME/Faxmaker


  • Method 2

Disable HTTPS for GFI FaxMaker site:
  • On the GFI FaxMaker server open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
  • On the left, in the Connections pane expand the Default Web Site and select the Faxmaker directory
  • In the middle, in the Features pane double click SSL Settings and deselect the option SSL required
  • On the right, in the Actions pane click on Apply to save the settings 
  • Reload the FaxMaker site in the web browser (it should work now with both: HTTP and HTTPS).


This issue occurs because the web site requires incoming requests to be made by using SSL (HTTPS). However, the client sent the request is using HTTP protocol.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
