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HTML Fonts not preserved when using [FAX:number] format



HTML fonts are preserved if you send the fax using ''  but not if you send the fax using [Fax: Name@company@number].


  • GFI FaxMaker
  • all supported environments


  1. Clear the test contact from the Microsoft Outlook auto-complete cache. Inside Microsoft Outlook, type the email address you wish to clear from the cache. Press the down arrow key to select the email address followed by the delete button. Before sending the fax, right click on the contact in the To: field and select properties. Change the option to 'Always use Plain Text'.
  2. Disable sending of Rich Text Format (RTF) from Microsoft Exchange. This varies from version to version.


By default Microsoft Exchange server will send outgoing emails in RTF format which is the proprietary file format to Microsoft. RTF cannot be used with HTML; hence the formatting is not preserved in GFI FaxMaker unless HTML is used only.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
