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How to configure the Microsoft Fax destination folder


When using Microsoft Fax drivers with GFI FaxMaker, Microsoft Fax needs to have a folder configured for incoming faxes. The article explains how to configure a destination folder.  The folder configured for incoming faxes should be on a local drive and should not be within GFI FaxMaker folders.  This folder MUST be added to the list of folders excluded  from antivirus scanning.

Microsoft Windows 2003 server
  1. Open the Fax Service Manager (Start > Programs > Accessories > Communication > Fax)
  2. Expand Devices > Select the device which will be used by GFI FaxMaker
  3. Expand Incoming Methods
  4. In the details pane right-click Store in a folder > Properties
  5. Select the Store in Folder tab and select the destination folder for received faxes
  6. Click Ok to apply the changes

Microsoft Windows XP

  1. Open the Fax Console (Start > Programs > Accessories > Communication > Fax)
  2. In the menu select Tools > Configure Fax
  3. Go through the Fax Configuration Wizard until you get to the Routing Options page
  4. Enable the check box Store a copy in a folder
  5. Select a destination folder for received faxes
  6. Proceed to complete the Fax Configuration Wizard
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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