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Error: 'ERR: 113, Max message parts exceeded' when sending long SMS messages using Web2SMS API

Versions / Builds Affected

GFI FaxMaker 2013 - 20121205



Problem Summary

Clickatell rejects long SMS text with the error message 'ERR: 113, Max message parts exceeded'



How to Identify

It appears that GFI FaxMaker does NOT split up a SMS message into several messages whenever: 1. The SMS text contains more than 160 characters or 2. More than 70 characters (when unicode characters (e.g. {}) are present) USING Web2SMS API from Clickatell. Wireshark trace indicates an error ERR 113, MAX message parts exceeded: GET /http_batch/senditem?session_id=04e24147f061b2ffb332b86e053cb3a3&batch_id=03d48bdebfb5aa4e9b1aebbc97ba5321&to=447891630798&field1=Level+%2871.1+dB%29+exceeded+trigger+value+%2870.0+dB%29+for+A_LEQ+%28quiet+working+hours+alert+level+1+%3e+70db+laeq%29%2c+type%3d%7babove%7d%2c+report+%60report+1%60%2c+starting+at+2013%2f04&field2=&field3=&field4=&field5=&field6=&field7=&field8=&field9= HTTP/1.1 24 ERR: 113, Max message parts exceeded We can see from the Wireshark trace that GFI FaxMaker put all the message text into "field 1" and leave the other fields "2-9" empty.

Workaround / Fix Details

Working patch required.

Required Actions

1. Add this known issue article to this case 2. Escalate this case
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