Error Code is not reflected in XMLAPI
Versions / Builds Affected
GFI FaxMaker 2015
How to Identify
Although an outbound fax call failed with Handshaking Failure 54, the XMLAPI status file report error code "0". Before the GFI FaxMaker 2015 upgrade, it did show for failured faxes the correct error code. Attached are a. the log files, b. the status file notifications.gfi_log 2015-06-11,13:19:27,427,1,"#00002b50","#00001a28","info ","notifications","CNotification::tagReplace:: r_fax -> 0098029588052" 2015-06-11,13:19:27,428,1,"#00002b50","#00001a28","info ","notifications","CNotification::tagReplace:: description -> Faxversand fehlgeschlagen : Handshake fehlgeschlagen" 2015-06-11,13:19:27,428,1,"#00002b50","#00001a28","info ","notifications","CNotification::tagReplace:: error_code -> 54" 2015-06-11,13:19:27,428,1,"#00002b50","#00001a28","info STATUS FILE 0********************************************************* FAXSENDEBERICHT ********************************************************* Betreff: Fehler: Stammblatt - Test__Sonja Gruber (Faxversand fehlgeschlagen an 0098029588052') Absender: Administrator Absender-E-Mail: Status: Sent Datum/Uhrzeit: 11.06.2015 13:19:27 Geschwindigkeit: 9600 bps Verbindungsdauer: 05:17 Seiten: 0 Seiten gesamt: 2 Auflösung: Fine Remote-ID: Leitungsnummer: 2 Wiederholungsversuche: 10 Beschreibung: Faxversand fehlgeschlagen : Handshake fehlgeschlagen ********************************************************* C:\Program Files (x86)\GFI\FAXmaker\XMLAPI\SCM2-PRO\20150611_125302_00335.pdf0098029588052
Workaround / Fix Details
This issue was fixed in the GFI Faxmaker 2015 SR1 release
Required Actions
1. Attach Known Issue article 2. Gather troubleshooting files and XMLAPI status file
Priyanka Bhotika