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Local Fax ID Cannot Set to the CLIP of the Sender


The remote fax number (known as TSID) is a fixed value that a user specifies for each fax line separately under the field local fax id in GFI FaxMaker configuration. Per design, it is not possible to assign a variable value for TSID that is equal to CLIP.


GFI FaxMaker Version 2013 Build: 20121205 or later


There is an available patch that resolves this issue. To enable this patch:

  1. Stop GFI FaxMaker FaxServer service
  2. Browse to GFI FaxMaker root folder
  3. Backup the file fmserver.exe
  4. Copy the patch fmserver.exe
  5. Set the value of UseSenderFaxNumber registry value to 7 in the registry
  6. Start GFI FaxMaker FaxServer service

Note: For more information or help applying this patch, contact the Professional Services team.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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