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Message: "[sdpd.NOTICE]: Received new command job 10 command 1 "image install webui.img" accept-eula" When Sending the Command ‘Image Install’ from SDP


Using Exinda's Service Delivery Point (SDP) to send the image install command in a scheduled job does not work correctly. The following message is displayed in the Exinda device. :

[sdpd.NOTICE]: Received new command job 10 command 1 "image install webui.img" accept-eula

The command used to install the image is in this format:

image install <image-filename> [location][progress][verify]

When this command is being used in a scheduled job, the accept-eula command is added so that the End-User License Agreement (EULA) is accepted, and the image install can proceed. Below is an example of the command being sent on SDP:

job 10 command 2 "image install webui.img" 


Root Cause

An accept-eula command is appended automatically, and it makes the job command to be incorrect, as the actual command to be sent has to be in quotation marks. Hence, the command is not accepted into the Exinda as a scheduled job because it is invalid. The same issue happens if the accept-eula command is explicitly sent from SDP; another one will be appended.



This issue is resolved in ExOS version 7.4.4. Refer to ExOS 7.4.4 Release Notes for more information. Upgrade to this version to implement the permanent resolution.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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