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SSL Acceleration Configuration


Exinda can accelerate SSL traffic. The basic setup requires the following:

  • Two Exindas which will participate in the process of acceleration.
  • Both the Exindas should have the certificate and private key for that SSL traffic decryption and encryption.
  • A policy to accelerate HTTPS.

The article explains how to configure SSL Acceleration.


Follow the steps given below:

  1. Go to System > Certificates > Certificates.
  2. Upload the certificate and the private key for the SSL site/traffic on both the Exindas.
  3. Alternately, a user can generate a certificate on the Exinda for the same and use that instead. Both the Exindas should have the same certificate.
  4. Go to System > Optimization > SSL.
  5. Add the details of the server hosting the encrypted traffic.
  6. Point out which certificate is to be used from the dropdown for Certificate.
  7. Choose the Validation Mechanism.
  8. Repeat these steps on both the Exindas.
  9. Once done, the user sees a green check mark validating that the Exindas are now set for SSL Acceleration.
  10. Go to the Optimizer and create a policy for the application HTTPS.
  11. Mark this policy for acceleration.


Now, any new SSL flows from the server mentioned above will be accelerated as long as the certificates are accurate.

In Real-Time monitor, the user will see a "lock" icon in front of the yellow striped accelerated flows.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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