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Exinda CLI: TCP Acceleration



This article provides information on the Exinda CLI command acceleration tcp.

You can use the acceleration tcp command to configure the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) acceleration settings.




NOTE:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'.
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets.
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols.

The following table describes the commands used for performing common actions related to acceleration tcp

 Action Description Command 

Parameter Description 

To set the WAN (Wide Area Network) side congestion control algorithm

acceleration tcp cc {cubic|hybla|highspeed|

Not Applicable 

To enable appliance auto-discovery

[no] acceleration tcp discovery Not Applicable 

To enable accelerated traffic to be processed on only one bridge

[no] acceleration tcp dual-bridge-bypass
  • When enabled, acceleration will be processed on only one bridge, which is good for backhauled settings. Default is enabled.
  • When disabled, accelerated traffic can be handled on any bridge, which is good for aggregated link settings with asymmetric routes.

To manage keep-alive settings

[no] acceleration tcp keep-alive {enable|timeout}
  • enable - Enables the sending of keep-alive packets on the WAN. The timeout specifies when to activate the keep-alive packets if enabled.
  • timeout - Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that a connection may be idle before sending keep-alive packets is enabled. Keep-alive packets are sent once per minute until either a response is received, or 5 minutes pass. If five minutes pass without a response the connection is terminated.

To set the transport mode

acceleration tcp transport {transparent|tunnelled}

Not Applicable 

To set the window scaling factor, which determines how large the TCP window is allowed to grow per connection

acceleration tcp window-scale <factor>

<factor> - 0 - 14. The default is 5, which equates to a TCP window of 2MB. Increasing one step in the factor doubles the TCP window size.


TCP window size 

0 64k
1 128k
2 256k
3 512k
4 1M
5 2M
6 4M
7 8M
8 16M
9 32M
10 64M
11 128M
12 256M
13 512M
14 1G


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CLI commands


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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