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Exinda CLI: APS



This article provides detailed information regarding Exinda CLI command aps

You can use the aps command to create and manage Application Performance Score (APS) objects. You can baseline (used by monitors and performance reports to establish a standard by which subsequent performance can be measured) the application traffic to automatically set the metric thresholds.

You can also create an alert to notify you when an APS score drops below a configurable threshold. For more information, refer to Monitoring application performance on the network.




NOTE:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'.
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets.
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols.


Configuring Application Performance Score Objects


Action Description

Command Parameter Description

To create a new APS object for a specified application

aps <name> application <application> Not Applicable

To delete an APS object

no aps <name> Not Applicable

To filter the traffic that will be included in the APS calculation to a specific subnet or application server

aps <name> network-object {internal|external} <network-object-name>
  • <network-object-name> - The name of a defined network object.

  • internal - Use the named network object that is marked as internal.

  • external - Use the named network object that is marked as external.

To specify whether the application is a transactional or non-transactional protocol

[no] aps <name> non-trans-protocol

Note: Protocols that send information between the client and server at arbitrary times are non-transactional, such as Citrix XenApp servers and Microsoft Remote Desktop.


Setting the APS Thresholds

Several metrics can be used in the application performance score calculation. Thresholds for at least one of these metrics must be set, as the score is calculated by comparing the observed traffic to the set threshold. You can either have the system calculate thresholds based on observed traffic, or you can manually set your desired thresholds.


 Action Description

Command  Parameter Description 

To specify the length of time for used for the baseline

aps <name> baseline period <seconds>

period <seconds> - Acceptable values are 3600 seconds (1 hour), 86400 seconds (1 day), 604800 seconds (1 week).

To start or stop the baselining operation for an APS

[no] aps <name> baseline enable Not Applicable

To set the APS metric threshold values

aps <name> metric {network-delay|network-jitter|network-loss|norm-network-delay|norm-server-delay|round-trip-time|server-delay} threshold <value>

  • network-delay threshold <duration (ms)> - Set the network delay threshold (ms)
  • network-jitter threshold <duration (ms)> - Set the network-jitter threshold (ms)
  • network-loss threshold <percent> - Set the network loss threshold in percentage. This is the amount of retransmitted packets (inbound or outbound)
  • norm-network-delay threshold <duration (ms/kb)> - Set the normalized network delay threshold (ms/kb)
  • norm-server-delay threshold <duration (ms/kb)> - Set the normalized server delay threshold (ms)
  • round-trip-time threshold <duration (ms)> - Set the round trip time threshold (ms)


Configuring APS Alerts

Alerts can be created (as SNMP or E-Mail) that will trigger when the aps value falls below a configured value for a specified duration. For example, if the application performance score drops below 7 and stays below 7 for 30 minutes, send an alert.


Action Description Command

Parameter Description

To set the threshold at which the alarm should trigger

aps <name> alert threshold <aps-threshold> threshold <aps-threshold> - This is a value in the range [0-10].

To set the duration (in seconds) for which the APS value needs to remain below the set threshold before the alert is triggered

aps <name> alert delay {60,300,1800,3600,86400} delay {60,300,1800,3600,86400} - The values are in seconds (1 minute, 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, and 1 day).

To enable or disable the alarm

[no] aps <name> alert enable Not Applicable


Viewing APS Alerts


Action Description


To show all APS objects

show aps

To show details of a specific APS object

show aps <name>


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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