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Converting a PKCS#12 certificate file to a PEM file for Exinda certificate import


Converting a PKCS#12 certificate file to a PEM file for Exinda certificate import

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This is a step by step guide on how to convert aÊPKCS#12 certificate file to a PEM file for importing to the Exinda.

You can convert aÊPKCS#12 certificate file to a PEM Êfile by using OpenSSL commands either via the Exinda appliance itself or via a Linux machine (Bash).
If you want to have the Exinda do the conversion via it's BASH terminal then you would connect a FTP client (such as Filezilla) to the Exinda and import the PKCS#12 file to it's hard drive. Otherwise move the PKCS#12 file to Êa Linux machine and open up Bash terminal.

PEM conversion using an Exinda appliance

1) Move ÊPKCS#12 file to Exinda's hard drive via an FTP client connection

2) Access BASH (you may have to contact Exinda Support to request a temporary BASH license key)

3) at the BASH command line input: openssl pkcs12 -in <name of file>.pfx Ê-outÊÊ<name of file>.pem
then press enter Ê(e.gÊÊopenssl pkcs12 -in newcert.pfx Ê-outÊÊnewcert.pem)

4) terminal will request import password...this would be the passcode generated for the certificate

5) Once done , manually import file to Exinda appliance via the WebUI and delete from root folder via the FTP client.
Configuration > System > Certificates> Certificates Êthen select" import certificate" and select "Certificate/key format" and choose "PEM" then upload the "certificate file (newly created PEM file)" and the "private key file"

PEM conversion using a Linux machine:

1) Move ÊPKCS#12 file to the Linux machine

2) Access BASH terminal

3) at the BASH command line input: openssl pkcs12 -in <name of file>.pfx Ê-outÊÊ<name of file>.pem
then press enter Ê(e.gÊÊopenssl pkcs12 -in newcert.pfx Ê-outÊ

4) terminal will request import password...this would be the passcode generated for the certificate

5) Once done , manually import file to Exinda appliance via the WebUIÊ
Configuration > System > Certificates> Certificates Êthen select" import certificate" and select "Certificate/key format" and choose "PEM" then upload the "certificate file (newly created PEM file)" and the "private key file"
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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