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OneGuard | Hardware and Software tab have no data populated


Hardware and Software tab have no data populated


GFI OneGuard


Step 1: Ensure that on the client the Agent is deployed successfully and is able to communicate with the controller
  1. Log in to the machine that has the agent installed.
  2. Right-click the OneGuard tray icon and click Status.
  3. Click Refresh.
The Controller connectivity status needs to show Successful.

Step 2: Run a new scan using the Run Asset Tracking Scan
  1. Log in to the GFI OneGuard platform.
  2. Go to Manage > Devices > [Group].
  3. Select a client and expand More actions....
  4. Click Run Asset Tracking Scan.


An asset tracking scan is not initiated or the agent is unable to communicate with the controller.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
