- This release includes all changes from 6.3.13 6.4, and 6.4.2 update 3
- No 32-bit images are provided. 6.4 will not be supported on 32 bit hardware
- After upgrading and rebooting it is normal to see "No Data Available" on the graphs for a short period of time.
- This is due to the processes starting up after the restart. When all the processes have restarted, data will show up again.
- 2061, 4010, 4061, 6060, 6062, 8060, 8062, 10060, 10062, Virtual
- 6.0, 6.1, 6.3, 6.4
- 64 bit image (6.4.3 Update 14):
- Image Size: 419,600,782 bytes
- MD5: 03316fb7bd326b26c57da7007c219684
- NOTE: This version can not be upgraded to 6.4.4, 6.4.5 or 7.0.0. To upgrade this version, you will need to upgrade to 6.4.4 Update 1, 6.4.5 Update 1, or 7.0.1
- 64 bit image (6.4.3 Update 12)
- Image Size: 419,535,651
- MD5: 675f2ba8ee4c5e4b197e5c20bf70ab23
- NOTE: this version can not be upgraded to 6.4.4, 6.4.5 or 7.0.0. To upgrade this version, you will need to upgrade to 6.4.4 Update 1, 6.4.5 Update 1, or 7.0.1
- 64 bit image (6.4.3 Update 11)
- Image Size: 419,255,703
- MD5: 5b118077a6d66e1e464cbdd4017da979
- NOTE: this version can not be upgraded to 6.4.4, 6.4.5 or 7.0.0. To upgrade this version, you will need to upgrade to 6.4.4 Update 1, 6.4.5 Update 1, or 7.0.1
- 64 bit image (6.4.3 Update 10)
- Image Size: 418,790,944
- MD5: 70f263dbba62a1b52704fc1e34f90b68
- NOTE: this version can not be upgraded to 6.4.4, 6.4.5 or 7.0.0. To upgrade this version, you will need to upgrade to 6.4.4 Update 1, 6.4.5 Update 1, or 7.0.1
- 64 bit image (6.4.3 Update 9)
- Image Size: 418,205,734
- MD5: 70b6cf3d5732c53cb956b29b2e23779f
- NOTE: this version can not be upgraded to 6.4.4, 6.4.5 or 7.0.0. To upgrade this version, you will need to upgrade to 6.4.4 Update 1, 6.4.5 Update 1, or 7.0.1 (all future releases at this point).
- 64 bit image (6.4.3 Update 8)
- Image Size: 440,678,341
- MD5: e7b0a143582e90ac4fa8dcf832873244
- NOTE: this version can not be upgraded to 6.4.4, 6.4.5 or 7.0.0. To upgrade this version, you will need to upgrade to 6.4.4 Update 1, 6.4.5 Update 1, or 7.0.1 (all future releases at this point).
- 64 bit image (6.4.3 Update 7)
- Image Size: 440,611,618
- MD5: 57d8b7370b45cbf8eb2f221fda892790
- 64 bit image (6.4.3 Update 6)
- Image Size: 440,734,644
- MD5: 2282e77453e26615dd8f7b14a36ed602
- 64 bit image (6.4.3 Update 5)
- Image Size: 440,616,935
- MD5: ba0e6ca953a057719a44dff70d362352
- 64 bit image (6.4.3 Update 4)
- Image Size: 440,621,331
- MD5: 0cf71df0f61fe7337b891e180b2fb782
- 64 bit image (6.4.3 Update 3)
- Image Size: 440,650,002
- MD5: 7d6b0b4f683cf79186da2bfaa32e565c
- 64 bit image (6.4.3 Update 2)
- Image Size: 440,573,063
- MD5: 15870c3651fb0d186cc1ece2037a9155
- 64 bit image (6.4.3 Update 1)
- Image Size: 440,685,291 bytes
- MD5: cdd64e4a934762a188aa9287e265dff2
- 64 bit image (6.4.3)
- Image Size: 440,618,385 bytes
- MD5: 6c2ed0c526e07f6906a75cbb1c94a63d
- If you have been in contact with Customer Support regarding the timestamp issue (See [B-02093]), this release fixes the issue, even if you have previously implemented the work around.
If you are upgrading to ExOS 6.4 from ExOS 5.x or earlier:
- This upgrade path is not supported. Please upgrade to ExOS 6.3 first.
- When updating to 6.4 from a previous version, there is an upgrade of all the data stored on the appliance. This update process may take up to 24 hours depending on the amount of data stored on the appliance and the type of appliance. While this upgrade is happening, the charts will show "no data available". You can check the status of the data update on the Dashboard -> System page.
- PDF reports from each monitoring page can now be scheduled. [B-02649]
Each Monitoring page now has a new icon that looks like a calendar. Clicking on this icon will allow you to schedule a PDF report to be generated periodically based on the content of the page.For instance, if you want a particular subnet graph to be generated and emailed every hour, you can now do this by navigating to the Monitor-> Subnet page, select the subnet you are interesting in by selecting "View Applications". This will show you the Application traffic for that subnet. Select the time period you are interested in - say current hour - and then click on the calendar icon in the upper right corner. This brings you to the Report page and allows you to select the report details such as who to email the report to and what frequency is required. After naming the report and adding it, the report will be run based on the schedule selected. The report will produce the data as if you had visited that particular drill down page.
- Subnet Reports now show Application data as a Time Series [B-02742]
On the Monitor -> Subnets page, the "View Applications" option now shows the Application data as a time series graph rather than as a pie chart. This allows you to see the top applications and their usage of the network over time.On the graph, the top N applications are graphed. N is controlled by the item called "Chart Items" on the System -> Setup -> Monitoring tab . This is a pull down that allows you to specify up to 10 applications to be charted.The tables below the charts shows the top Y applications that travelled through the subnet. Y is controlled by the "Table Items" value on the System -> Setup -> Monitoring tab. The table includes all the data for each application including the number of packets, the amount of data for the time period and the average and max throughput seen during the selected time period.On the top of the page is a check box that is labeled "Show Other" and an apply changes button. By checking the "Show Other" check box and hitting the apply changes button, the chart will be changed to have all the "other" applications rolled into a single value to be charted. If the "Chart Items" value is 10, then the chart will show 11 items. The top 10 items will be the top 10 applications seen in the subnet. The 11th item will represent all the other applications combined together into a single item. Having "Show Other" enabled is useful to see if the top applications represent the majority of traffic of the minority of traffic on your network. In some circumstances it can appear that the top 10 applications are significant but in reality they are not because there are many applications on the network. This helps you see if there are a few applications dominating your network or if there are many small applications on your network.
- A new queuing mode has been added. [B-02233]
This queueing mode, called multi-per-vc, is aimed at service providers who are partitioning their pipe between many customers. This queuing mode should only be used for license levels greater than 1.5 Gb. It is in addition to the previously released queuing mode called multi-queue. Multi-queue is enabled by default on licenses that are greater than 1.5Gb. Multi-queue should continue to be used for high bandwidth pipes where it is not important to have a single flow achieve the full potential of the virtual circuit. If it is important to have a single flow achieve the full bandwidth of a Virtual Circuit, then use this new queueing mode called multi-per-vc mode.To enable this new mode the CLI has to be used. The command is on the bridge and on the optimizer for global-qos mode. The command for changing the queueing mode on the bridge is:exinda (config) # bridge br2 mq mode ?<mq-mode>auto-license Let QoS automatically select single or multi queue configuration based on license.single Force QoS to use a single queue network interface configuration.multi Force QoS to use a multi queue network interface configuration.multi-per-vc Force QoS to use a multi queue network interface configuration with VCs allocated per queue.The command for changing the mode for Global QoS:exinda (config) # optimizer global-qos mq mode ?<mq-mode>auto-license Let QoS automatically select single or multi queue configuration based on license.single Force QoS to use a single queue network interface configuration.multi Force QoS to use a multi queue network interface configuration.multi-per-vc Force QoS to use a multi queue network interface configuration with VCs allocated per queue.Selecting multi-per-vc will enable this new queueing mode. When this mode is enabled, it is important to not oversubscribe the Circuit with the sum of the Virtual Circuits. If the Circuit is oversubscribed, then multi-per-vc will be turned off automatically and the system will fall back to multi-queue mode. In a subsequent release a warning will be issued when this happens.If a single Virtual Circuit is larger than 1Gbps, then that Virtual Circuit will be set to multi-queue mode. The rest of the VCs in the circuit will remain in multi-per-vc mode.Each direction can be controlled independently. i.e., the inbound direction can be set to multi-per-vc mode while the outbound direction could be set to multi-queue mode.
Bug fixes and minor improvements:
6.4.3 Update 14
- [D-04165] Fixed an issue where the default "Auto Catch-All" policy doesn't collect traffic that doesn't fall under other customer created policies, and as a consequence shows 1 kbps bandwidth.
- [B-04347] Disabled the use of SSLv3 on all services that use SSL. This is a respond to the recently reported POODLE vulnerability of SSLv3. (CVE-2014-3566) More information can be found Exinda Appliances and SSLv3
6.4.3 Update 12
- [D-03479] Fixed an issue that may cause an upgrade to fail if the target system's disk is very low on space. This fix improves the upgrade handling of a low disk space situation.
- [D-03530] Fixed an issue with the introduction of D-03228 into Update 10.
- [D-03531] Fixed an issue where QoS was applied to accelerated traffic being put on the LAN when acceleration was occuring on a cluster member that was not doing the bridging of the traffic.
- [D-03571] Patched the version of BASH used within the product to fix the vulnerability for ShellShock. CESA-2014:1306, CVE-2104-6271, CVE-2014-7169. See this note on our support forum about our not being susceptible:
- [D-03590] Fixed a cross site scripting vulnerability CVE-2014-7157, CVE-2014-7158
?6.4.3 Update 11
- [D-01710] Fixed an issue where the bar graph on the Control page shows greater than 100% of the controlled rate. This was a display anomaly only. The traffic was still being controlled to the appropriate burst maximum.
- [D-02908] In a cluster environment with devices using Wan Memory (x800 licenses), the yellow strips and the graphics indicating if the flow is local or remote was not consistent and accurate. This has been modified to be completely consistent and accurate. As a result, new icons on the real-time conversation screen have been introduced to convey the proper information. The letter in the icon indicates if the flow entered the cluster on the local node or a remote node. The colour of the icon indicates if the flow is being accelerated locally or remotely. If it is being accelerated locally, the background colour will be yellow.
- A green background L indicates that the flow is locally bridged and remotely accelerated. This means that the flow entered the cluster on the node that you are viewing and was passed to a different node in the cluster for acceleration processing.
- A brown background R indicates that the flow is remote bridged and remotely accelerated. Note that it doesn't mean that the same machine that is bridging the flow is also accelerating the flow.
- A yellow background L indicates that the flow is locally bridged and locally accelerated.
- A yellow background R indicates that the flow is remote bridged and locally accelerated.
- [D-03178] Fixed an issue where the system would restart unexpectedly when in a cluster doing acceleration.
- [D-03431] Fixed a memory leak when the cluster link gets congested and information can not be shared between cluster members in a timely manner.
- [D-03098] Fixed an issue that prevented the display of the Control graph after renaming a Virtual Circuit
6.4.3 Update 10
Graphing is now base 1000
To keep consistent with networking standards our definition of 1Mbps and 1Gbps have changed from being 1024 based to being 1000 based. As of this 6.5.3 Update 10, 6.4.5 Update 1 and 7.0.1, the following equalities are used for monitoring:
1 Mbps = 1000 Kpbs
The ramification of this change is that if you had previous set up your policies and virtual circuits to show round Mbps and Gbps values by using 1024 based multiples of kbps, then monitoring will now show those values as 2.4% higher for Mbps values and 4.8% higher for Gbps values. If you require the graphing to show round Mbps and Gbps values, then you should change the settings of your Policies, Virtual Circuits and Circuits to be multiples of 1000 rather than 1024. License values for the current models have not been affected.
1 Gbps = 1000 Mbps - [B-04098] A new option has been added to the Virtual Circuit PDF report to provide a separate Peak vs Average Throughput report. This new graph displays two line graphs, one for the Peak throughput (maximum throughput seen in a 10 second sample) and the other is the throughput of traffic averaged over the time range (bytes seen during the sample period divided by the sample period duration). An option for this new graph is the scale on the Y axis. If the Y axis is requested in Kbps, then the Y axis will show the absolute throughput seen. If the Y axis is requested as a percent, then the Y axis will be 0 - 100%, where 100% represents the maximum bandwidth of the virtual circuit or circuit. If "All" is selected as the Virtual Circuit, then the peak vs average will be displayed for the circuit that.
- [D-03219] All conversions from kbps to Mbps and Mbps to Gbps are now 1000 base where in the past they were 1024 base. The result of this will be that if you have policies based on 1024, you will now see that the reporting will say that you are allowing 1.024Mbps instead of 1.0Mbps that would have been displayed in the past. The industry accepted conversation from kbps to Mbps and Mbps to Gbps per second is 1Mbps = 1000kbps. This change makes the Exinda monitoring align better with other monitoring tools you may have in your network. Note that if you have previous setup your VCs so that monitoring would report exactly 1Mb by specifying your VC to be 1024Kbps, you should now change the definition of your VC to be 1000Kbps so that reporting shows that it is a 1Mb VC.
- [D-03285] When manufacturing a machine with a version after 6.4.2, the Anonymous proxy URL was incorrect. This resulted in [D-02222] and the work around listed for that bug. The root cause has been fixed and the Anonymous proxy URL is always correct now during upgrades and manufacturing.
- [D-03228] New versions of Ubuntu are using extensions to SMB. When these extensions are in use, acceleration was disabled. Acceleration has been enhanced to understand these extensions and take advantage of them in acceleration. The result is SMB flows from a wider variety of client and server types will be accelerated.
- [D-03237] PDF reports for the Virtual Circuit graphs now auto scale their Y-axis to appropriate units: kbps, Mbps or Gbps
- [D-03193] After failing over to standby link (in a cluster) there was no SMB Object Cache benefit. This has been addressed.
- [D-03232] A new CLI command has been added to assist with configuring the appliance when using Multi-per-vc queuing mode. When using Multi-per-vc queuing mode, the largest VC that could be accommodated was 500Mbps. Any VC above 500Mbps would automatically be treated as if the queuing mode is muti-queue. This does not affect the other VCs, but does affect the large VC that is now in multi-queue mode. This 500Mbps limit was hard coded in the firmware. It is now configured via a CLI command on the optimizer command.
- #optimizer queueing single-vc-bw-switch
- single-vc-bw-switch Specify bandwidth at which to force a single VC in multi-per-vc mode to switch to a multi queue mode for that VC.
6.4.3 Update 9
- [D-03198] Upgraded OpenSSL to v1.0.1e-16.14. This OpenSSL version covers the following vulnerabilities:
- CVE-2010-5298 - possible use of memory after free
- CVE-2014-0195 - buffer overflow via invalid DTLS fragment
- CVE-2014-0198 - possible NULL pointer dereference
- CVE-2014-0221 - DoS from invalid DTLS handshake packet
- CVE-2014-0224 - SSL/TLS MITM vulnerability
- CVE-2014-3470 - client-side DoS when using anonymous ECDH
- [D-03081] Adjusted caching of YouTube to accommodate more changes by Google to prevent caching. This also improved the amount of caching of YouTube content.
- [D-03212] Fixed an issue where the data collection process would crash in certain circumstances when cluster membership would change (i.e., appliances dropping out of the cluster or changing IP address while staying part of the cluster)
- [D-02846] Fixed an issue where the appliance would become very unresponsive and no monitoring data would be available if upgrading from an earlier 6.4.3 Update and you have a large number of policies and virtual circuits (more than 1500 policies)
- [B-03973] The scheduled PDF report for a Virtual Circuit now has a Peak throughput line on the graph in black. This shows the peak throughput during any 10 second sample. These 10 second samples are rolled up through a MAX function into the 5 minute samples that are plotted on the graph. All roll ups of these Peak values are rolled up using a MAX function. The peak throughput line is also added in the WUI to the Monitoring -> Control graph. When using the Flash graph option you can toggle the peak on and off. In a subsequent release, the peak on the scheduled pdf will become optional and moved to its own graph in a Peak vs Average throughput report.
- [D-03041] SMB wasn't accelerating traffic to newer SAMBA servers running on linux. This has been addressed and SMB acceleration is working with these servers now.
- [B-03794] The context sensitive help has been removed from the appliance and is now hosted on All the context sensitive help links have been updated to point to This has reduced the size of the firmware download. A consequence of this is that the computer accessing the Web UI and the help must have internet access.
- [B-04035] Support for a new filesystem has been added. This isn't being used in this version. It has been added to allow upgrades to and downgrades from new versions in the future.
6.4.3 Update 8
- [B-03995] The PDF output of the Virtual Circuit Report now includes a Peak traffic line. This peak traffic line is the maximum value of the underlying 10 second samples graphed on 5 minute intervals to match the average throughput graph that it is superimposed on. As part of this change, the table under the graph uses the peak to define the max throughput. Where the max previously was the highest 5 minute average throughput, the max is not the highest 5 minute peak throughput.
- Another part of this change was a change in colours to match the colours of the new 7.0 firmware release.
- [B-04016] as a convenience, the optimizer page now contains extra links at the top of the circuit to create a new virtual circuit and there is a new link at the top of a virtual circuit to create a new policy. This makes it easier to create these items without having to scroll further down the page to find the existing links.
- [D-01759] On the Control Graph of the Web UI, the utilization bar would some times show more than 100%. This was because the statistic that was driving the control graph was the pre-shaped throughput rate. This has been changed to show the post-shaped throughput rate. This issue was a display issue only. The traffic has always been processed correctly according to the policy rules.
- [D-02860] When a name for a Virtual Circuit was long, it would get cut off on the Virtual Circuit PDF Report. Now when the name is long, it is pushed to a second line in the header so that it has much more space before getting cut off.
- [D-03040] The system disk was filling up with the URL logging data. This has been corrected.
- [D-03046] Fixed an issue where a clustered environment running in mutli-queue or multi-queue-per VC mode may not report optimization statistics correctly across the cluster.
6.4.3 Update 7
- [D-03046] Fixed an issue where a clustered environment running in multi-queue or multi-queue-per VC mode may not report optimization statistics correctly across the cluster.
6.4.3 Update 6
- [D-02979] Fixed an issue where asymmetric traffic in a cluster environment may cause the Exinda Appliance to unexpectedly restart.
6.4.3 Update 5
- [D-02985] When a number of Exinda appliances are in a cluster together, the configuration changes done on the master device are pushed to all the cluster members. This also includes scheduled report configuration. The result of this is that each member of the cluster runs and sends its scheduled reports. This produces undesired duplicate reports or reports with no data in the case of an active / passive pairing. The system has been changed such that on the master appliance runs the scheduled reports.
6.4.3 Update 4
- [D-02922] Fixed an issue where the communitydv2 process would crash
- [D-02930] Fixed an issue where asymmetric traffic in a cluster environment may cause the Exinda Appliance to unexpectedly restart. Exinda continues to track down cases of asymmetric traffic in a cluster environment causing a restart. See [D-02979]
6.4.3 Update 3
- [D-02740] Fixed an issue where "(no policy)" would be displayed in the real time conversation view. The traffic was being properly handled but the policy was being displayed incorrectly if no traffic for a flow was seen in a direction during the sampling period and that flow was being grouped with another flow.
- [D-02896] Fixed a situation where the optimizer may fail to start when using multi-queue mode and there were thousands of policies.
- [D-02956] fixed an issue that would cause the optimizer to crash and output a log line similar to : "Could not apply TcQdisc{sfq}. Invalid input data or parameter. Interface eth11". This only occurred on systems with certain network cards.
6.4.3 Update 2
- [D-02167] In some circumstances, mostly when Windows 8 is involved, the SMB acceleration will stop working and will cause SMB connections to stop passing traffic.
- [D-02189] In a clustered acceleration environment if a SYN and a SYN-ACK use different WAN links and therefore hit different Exinda appliances the connection may not get established. This has been fixed. All asymmetric connections can be established and accelerated.
- [D-02403] After an upgrade, if the database upgrade is taking a significant amount of time, the process called datad may appear to crash every minute and put messages in the log that appear like it is crashing. It is not crashing, it is exiting because the database is not yet available. This was first introduced in 6.4.3. As of Update 2, this behaviour has changed so that datad now patiently waits for the database to start up and as a result there are no more messages being inserted into the log.
- [D-02485] Using the Connection Limit feature of a Virtual Circuit previously caused a drop in throughput capacity of the appliance. This defect has been addressed. Using the Virtual Circuit connection limiting feature no longer causes a capacity drop for the appliance.
- [D-02645] Edge Cache was adjusted to adapt to the changes that the following video sites have made to how they delivery video:,, and These sites are cached properly again.
- [D-02753] On the System -> Setup -> License page, there is a link at the bottom of the page labeled "Check for license Online". This link always returns "Connection completed successfully. No new license found." even when there is a new license available. With this release, new licenses are properly fetched from Exinda's backend systems and displayed in the text box below the link.
- [D-02779] When Edge Cache is activated some youtube videos fail to load requiring the clients to reload the page for the video to start playing. This has been fixed.
6.4.3 Update 1
- [D-02492] In some situations when using VRRP with an acceleration cluster deployment and having tcp acceleration dual bridge bypass enabled, the appliance may crash. This defect has been addressed and this deployment with these options no longer crash the appliance.
- [D-02001] When the system is configured to have more than a few thousand policies, the WUI becomes slow and unresponsive.
- [D-01654] When using a very large number of policies, the appliance will occasionally be seen to use a high amount of CPU when a change to the policy is made. Under extreme circumstances the appliance WUI may appear to lock up.
- [D-02311] After upgrading to 6.4.3 existing scheduled reports from 6.4.2 and earlier no longer run on their schedule. This has been fixed and all scheduled reports run as per their configured schedule. This includes reports created in 6.4.2 and earlier as well as reports created in 6.4.3
- [B-02122] hardware: Added support for the EX-NEM62-10G2BPi-C. This is a new version of the 2 port 10Gb copper card for use in the new x62 series hardware.
- [B-02580] SMTP: the system now uses a FDQN when communicating with the SMTP server. There are some servers that are configured to reject clients who do not use a FQDN. This allows the exinda's SMTP handling to be compatible with more SMTP servers. This would have manifested itself with the server returning a message that it had invalid recipients. The SMTP server was incorrectly returning this error message when the real problem was that it was rejecting the non-FQDN the exinda was using.
- [D-01548] Fragmented packets will no longer be increased in size when being bridged by the appliance. During aggregatiion and re-fragmented the largest fragment is tracked to ensure fragments are never increased beyong the size of the largest fragement. This fixes on issue when rotues with different size MTUs were being bridged over a single bridge on the appliance
- [D-01788] licensing: fixed a defect where the virtual appliance would re-check too frequently for the presence of the license server when it was not available. This would cause the virtual appliance to become temporarily unlicensed too soon after the license server was unavailable. The virtual appliance becomes licensed again once the license server is available. This frequent re-checking was fixed. The virtual appliance will continue to operate for 4 days during a period of not being able to connect to the license server.
- [D-01794] fixed an issue that caused the following to appear in the appliance logs. AUTO-INIT[4010]: [unk.ERR]: unk: MySQL is not ready
- [D-01819] DVCs: The appliance was previously limited to having 15 Dynamic Virtual Circuits. This limit has been removed and DVCs are created dynamically.
- [D-01810] The previous version prevented the uploading of custom logos for the PDF reports. This has been fixed in this version.
- [D-01898] Prior to this release, while creating a baseline for an Application Performance Score, the appliance will continually update the appliance configuration with the new values. This will result in the configuration being marked as not saved. This has been fixed.
- [D-01966] Fix optimizerd crash with very low bandwidth circuits when multi queue mode is being used
- [D-01975] wccp: the MASK assignment method has now been added to wccp support.
- [D-02147] In some circumstances traffic won't show up on the real time monitor if it falls into the hidden Auto-Catch All policy and show policy is selected. This has been fixed.
- [D-02170] Monitoring: the packet counts have been adjusted to correctly account for GRO packets.
- [D-02239] Edge Cache: YouTube recently made some changes to their service that cause Edge Cache to fail to load some but not all YouTube videos. The symptoms are YouTube videos stopping after approximately 20 seconds of playback. This release fixes the issue such that YouTube is again cached and played back properly
- [D-02178] Caching Apple Updates stopped working earlier when Apple started to use a new HTTP header to try to avoid having their updates cached. This release addresses this change and starts to cache Apple Updates once again.
Known Issues:
- [D-02797] factory default keep-connection erroneously erases the sub-interfaces of a bridge. This has been fixed in 6.4.4 and later.
- [D-02872] An "_" is not accepted as a valid character for a Windows Domain name. If you have this issue, contact support for a work around. This has been fixed in 6.4.4 and later.
- [D-02875] When loading config that has a FQDN in it and the device has no connectivity to the DNS server, the CLI becomes very slow as the system tries to resolve the name. The work around is to set config that requires a FQDN after the device has connectivity to a DNS server. This has been fixed in 6.4.4 and later.
- [D-02595] A regression has been introduced in 6.4.3 that causes the VoIP scores to be incorrect. VoIP scoring is now showing very high loss on the inbound side of the traffic which results in the loss measure being very high (30-50%) and the rFactor score to be inaccurate. This will be addressed in an upcoming release.
- [D-02222] Anonymous Proxy: If the url listed on the Objects -> Applications -> Anonymous Proxy tab is, then the Anonymous proxy feature will not work. The correct URL is If your Exinda appliance has the wrong URL set, you can issue the following CLI command to set it to the correct URL:
- anonymous-proxy url
- [D-02199] When an acceleration HA cluster is configured and the traffic being accelerated is located on a VLAN and has a VLAN tag, the traffic will not flow through the HA cluster properly. This issue is currently being investigated and a fix is expected soon.
- [D-01699] You may notice lots of log messages that say "net_ratelimit: 11 callbacks suppressed". These messages are harmless. Since Apple released iOS7, the number of systems using TCP Option 30 (TCP Multipath) have increased. The exinda system currently issues a log message each time it sees a packet with TCP Option 30. The net_ratelimit message is saying that the output to another internal log file was suppressed because it happened 11 times in a very short period of time. These net_ratelimit messages can be ignored as they carry no useful information. This has been fixed in 6.4.4 and later.
- [D-01777] snmp: after a period of repeatedly querying the following sensors, the WUI will appear to be locked up and various processes within the appliance will crash. This will eventually repair itself. system health/cpu alarm, system health/disk alarm, system health/ram alarm, system health/nic alarm. The work around is to not query these SNMP values.
- [D-01876] With SMB acceleration enabled, the Exinda Appliance can cause the Dell Kace K1000 to fail. The work around is to create a network object defining the Dell Kace server and create a specific rule for Dell Kace traffic that does not accelerate the traffic.
- [D-01921] Under some circumstances Microsoft Lync traffic will be classified as MSN traffic.
- [APP-7426] pre-population: NTLMv2 authentication for HTTP is not supported
- [APP-3275] monitoring: Graphs/tables show data for "last 60 minutes" show "this hour" in the drill-down reports.
- [APP-668] cli: command completion does not work for names with multiple words (that contain a space). e.g. show policy my policy
Priyanka Bhotika