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Configuring Backup in Kerio Connect


Kerio Connect supports Full backup that stores all files and items, and it also supports Differential backup that stores files that have been added or changed since the last full backup.

You can configure specific backup settings such as count of rotation for complete backups and the split backup size.

You can schedule any number of full and differential backups depending on the datastore size (affects the time of backup completion) and the Importance of the data (more frequent backups schedule prevents data loss).


You must have full administration access rights, or you can use the built-in administrator account. For more information, refer to Setting access rights in Kerio Connect.

You can back up the following items in Kerio Connect:

  • User mailboxes
  • Public folders
  • Mailing lists
  • Configuration files
  • Licenses
  • SSL certificates
  • SpamAssassin database

Any removable or network disk can be used for storing backups. Note that temporarily disabled users are not included in the backups. 



  1. In the administration interface, go to Configuration > Archiving and Backup > Backup.

  2. Check Enable message store and configuration recovery backup.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Type a description for the backup.

  5. Select the time and the type of backup and click OK.

  6. Repeat Steps 3-5 for additional backups.

  7. Click Advanced and specify the maximum size for backup files' split and count of complete backups to be kept. 

    Note: setting backup rotation to 1 means that each new full backup will replace the previous full backup file, so there will be only one full backup file kept at a time.
  8. Click OK.
  9. In the Target backup directory section, specify the folder where to store all backups. If the network drive requires authentication, click Specify and key-in the username and password (Microsoft Windows only).


    No special characters are allowed in the folder name.
  10. In the Notification section, type your email address to receive notifications about backups.

  11. Click Apply.

  12. If you want to make an immediate full backup, which is independent of your other backups, click the Start Now button.


Verify that the backup is being created in the scheduled time and specified target location.


Additional Information

Each differential backup contains the difference between the last full backup and the current datastore. 


With full backup from November 3, we have a differential backup on November 4, and the next differential backup on November 5 will include data difference from November 4 and November 5, so there is no point in keeping a differential backup from November 4.

Kerio Connect is set up in a way that it removes old differential backups. You can change this setting in the Kerio Connect mailserver.cfg file by changing the variable RemoveOldDiffBackups from 1 to 0



Note: Kerio Connect server should be stopped before making this change. 
Remember, backup time depends on OS server resources (CPU, RAM, SSD). The backup process is single-threaded in order to avoid having the backup task use all the system resources. It is recommended to enable the Archiving feature to reduce the mailstore size.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 9 days ago
  3. Updated 8 days ago
