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Exporting Users Lists


This topic covers the process to Export users in Kerio Connect. In Kerio Connect, administrators with at least read rights can export lists of:

  • Users from a domain.
  • Members of a group.
  • Members of a mailing list.

Kerio Connect exports users to a CSV file. In the export file, individual fields are separated with semicolons (;). Multiple entries in a field are separated with commas (,).

Step-by-Step Guide

Exporting users from a domain

  1. In the administration interface, go to Accounts > Users.
  2. Choose the domain you want to export from.
  3. Click Export.


  4. Save the file.

The file name uses the format: users_<DomainName>_<date>.csv.

Exporting users from a group

  1. In the administration interface, go to Accounts > Groups.
  2. Choose the domain you want to export from, and double-click a group.
  3. On the Users tab, click Export.


  4. Save the file.

The file name uses the format: users_<DomainName>_<GroupName>_<date>.csv.

Exporting users from a mailing list

  1. In the administration interface, go to Accounts > Mailing Lists.
  2. Choose the domain you want to export from, and double-click a mailing list.

  3. On the Members tab, click Export.
  4. Save the file.

The file name uses the format users_<DomainName>_<MailingListName>_<date>.csv.


Open the .CSV file and confirm the information matches the export list selection.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 10 days ago
