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Why are patches failing to install?



Patches are failing to install


GFI MailEssentials
Any supported environment


  1. Browse to ...GFI\MailEssentials\Patches directory and open the Patch details file in notepad. Do a search for the patch number failing to install (ie. 874).
  2. Look down several lines until you find "<url>".
  3. Copy the actual URL into a browser (no <URL> </URL> tags) to download the file.
  4. Right click the file and select properties.
  5. Unblock the file in the General tab if available.
  6. Unzip the cab file and the zip file contained in the cab file.
  7. Right click the GFIPatchExecuter.exe and select Run as Administrator
NOTE: You may need to click the Rollback button and reinstall if it previously failed to install.

A dialog box will appear when installing with debugging information. similar to the below:
Patching started
Patch ID: 575a1c13-aae0-47a6-99a0-cc301f5af158
Build Version Restriction: Between
BuildVersion: 20160420
ExactOrLowerVersion: 20160420
HigherVersion: 20151118
Build version not matched - Error will be displayed here with additional debugging information below
Start Patching - System.Exception: Build version not matched
at GFIPatchExecuter.Classes.Core.VersionCommand.ProductVersionCheck()
at GFIPatchExecuter.Forms.frmPatch.StartPatching()

Please see the CAUSE section for known errors.  If the error is not listed, please open a case with support.


Build version not matched: Check the Build version against the ExactOrLowerVersion fields. The patch is not for the version detected as installed.
Service could not be started/stopped/restarted: The exact service will be listed, complete the required action manually. If a stop request is not working, stop the service and run the patch again.  If a restart or start is requested, perform this action and check if the patch was installed.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
