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No Mail Flow After Upgrading to MailEssentials 21.6


MailEssentials 21.6 was released in January 2020 and has caused issues with mail flow after an upgrade. This is caused by a few incorrectly placed DLL files, causing the system to fail when processing mail due to not having the appropriate direction from the DLL files.

This article provides a background on the root cause and a workaround to resolve this issue.



After a failed upgrade, re-installing the application will put the .dll files in place and allow for normal mail flow. Before completing the process below, make sure to complete a backup of the settings. We will be keeping the files in place and should not lose data, but it is always good to have a backup of your settings

  1. Go to Control Panel.

  2. Locate MailEssentials and select Uninstall.

  3. After completing the uninstall process, locate the previously downloaded MailEssentials 21.6 installer.

  4. Verify that the file is not blocked

  5. Right-click on the installer and select Run as Administrator.

  6. Verify that the installer is pointed to the same install location as the previous installation and that the previous settings should be used. The backup will not be needed and can then be deleted once you have confirmed that the settings are the same

    Note: If any of the settings are missing, refer to the Restoring a Manual Backup of MailEssentials article to restore the settings.



GFI Development has published a new 21.6 release with the upgrade failures resolved. Downloading a fresh copy of the installer and installing it with the latest re-release will resolve the issue.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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