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Configuring the Post-Installation Wizard


The post-installation wizard loads automatically after installing GFI MailEssentials for the first time. This wizard allows administrators to manage:

  • DNS Server Settings.
  • Proxy Settings.
  • Inbound email domains.
  • SMTP Server settings.
  • Choosing the default anti-spam action to use.

The installation steps are provided in this article.


  1. On the welcome page, click Next.

  2. On the DNS Server dialog, choose one of the following options:

    • Use the same DNS server used by this server.
    • Use an alternative DNS Server.


  3. Click Test to test the connection with the specified DNS server. If the test is unsuccessful, specify another DNS server. Click Next.

  4. In the Proxy Settings dialog, specify how GFI MailEssentials connects to the Internet. If the server connects through a proxy server click Configure proxy server… and specify proxy settings. Click Next.


  5. In the Inbound email domains dialog, click Add to specify all the domains to scan for viruses and spam. Any local domains that are not specified in this list will not be scanned. Click Next.


    NOTE: When adding domains, choose Obtain domain’s MX records and include in perimeter servers list to retrieve the domain’s MX records and automatically add them to the perimeter SMTP servers list.

  6. In the SMTP Servers dialog, specify how the server receives external emails. If emails are routed through other servers (perimeter server) before they are forwarded to GFI MailEssentials, add the IP address of the other servers in the list. For more information, refer to Configuring a Perimeter Server.

  7. Click Next.


  8. In the Default, anti-spam action dialog, choose the default action to be taken when emails are detected as spam. This action applies to anti-spam filters only. The Malware filter automatically quarantines blocked emails.


    When installing on Microsoft Exchange 2010 or later, the default action chosen is Move to a subfolder in recipient's Exchange mailbox, a user with impersonation rights must be created.
    Choose whether to let GFI MailEssentials automatically create the user or manually specify the credentials and click Set access rights to assign the required rights to the specified user. This user must be dedicated to this feature only and the credentials must not be changed.

  9. Click Next.

  10. When installing on Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 or later, the list of Microsoft Exchange server roles detected and GFI MailEssentials components required is displayed. Click Next to install the required GFI MailEssentials components.

  11. Click Finish to complete the installation.


Completing these steps means that GFI MailEssentials installation is complete and the email protection system is up and running.

If the Post Installation Wizard does not launch, or you want to complete it at a later time, you can launch the post-installation configuration wizard manually.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
