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Configuring Email Backup


GFI MailEssentials can keep a copy of an email before being processed so you can compare what changed in the processed version. This article describes the steps to achieve this. 

Note: This feature is turned off by default and should be turned on just for troubleshooting purposes, enabling this will essentially double the required storage capacity since GFI MailEssentials will keep two copies of the same email.



  1. Launch the GFI MailEssentials Switchboard from Start > Programs > GFI MailEssentials > Switchboard and select the Troubleshooting tab.


  2. Select (or deselect as per the preference) the 'Keep a copy of every email before and after email processing' checkbox to store a copy of each email processed.
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the Service Restart Required dialog, click Yes to restart services.
  5. Click OK.

Email Storage Location

All emails are stored in the following locations:

  • GFI MailEssentials installation path>\GFI\MailEssentials\AntiSpam\SourceArchives\
  • GFI MailEssentials installation path>\GFI\MailEssentials\EmailSecurity\SourceArchives\



The emails will be backed up after clicking the 'Keep a copy of every email before and after email processing' checkbox.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
