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Reviewing GFI MailEssentials License Key Information


This article provides License Key information as well as a description of each component.


To review the license information installed in your environment, go to General SettingsLicensing.

The table below describes each license component:

Label Description
Product Edition

The edition of GFI MailEssentials depending on the type of subscription purchased:

  • Anti-spam: Enables the anti-spam filtering functionality. Security and anti-malware scanning engines are disabled.
  • EmailSecurity: Enables the security and anti-malware scanning engines. Anti-spam filters are disabled.
  • UnifiedProtection: Includes both the anti-spam and email security functionality.
Anti-spam Indicates whether anti-spam functionality is licensed.
EmailSecurity Indicates whether the security and anti-malware functionality is licensed.
Subscription status

Displays the date when the subscription expires.

When the license expires, your email server will no longer be protected. GFI MailEssentialls stops scanning emails and stops downloading updates.

Number of licensed users The maximum number of users allowed, according to the purchased license.
Number of users The number of users currently protected by GFI MailEssentials.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
