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Configuring the Spam Quarantine to Use HTTPS with IIS


In some cases, it may be needed to configure IIS to use HTTPs to provide a secure connection to the GFI MailEssentials website. This article provides instructions to configure IIS to use a secure connection.


Follow the instruction provided below: 

  • Ensure that you have configured a Server Certificate which will be used for HTTPs communication. You can configure this from the following:
    1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
    2. Navigate to Server.
    3. In the left pane, click Server Certificates under IIS.
    4. Create a new certificate, or attach to an existing certificate.
  • Ensure that there is an HTTPs binding for the web server hosting the GFI MailEssentials website:
    1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
    2. Navigate to Server > Sites.
    3. Right-click Default Web Site and select Edit Bindings.
    4. Ensure that the HTTPs binding is created If it is not created click Add... to add a new HTTPs type binding.
    5. Click OK.
  • Enforce SSL communication on the SpamQuarantine or Mailessentials virtual directory:
    1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
    2. Navigate to Server > Sites > Default Web Site.
    3. Click MailEssentials.
    4. In the left pane, click SSL Settings under IIS.
    5. Check Require SSL and Require 128-bit SSL.
  • Use the following URL to access the spam:
    • Quarantine: https://<mes_computer_name>/MailEssentials
      • https:// signifies to the web browser that you want to use an SSL connection.
      • <mes_computer_name> is the name of the computer that hosts the GFI MailEssentials configuration.
  • Ensure that the HTTP SSL service is running:
    • The Startup Type for HTTP SSL service is set to Manual by default.
    • Change the Startup Type to Automatic and Start the service:
      1. Press Windows + R keys together.
      2. In the Run dialog box which appears, type services.msc
      3. The Services Window opens up, locate, and double click on the HTTP SSL service.
      4. The HTTP SSL properties dialog box comes up:
        • Click the Startup type: drop-down list and select Automatic.  
      5. Click the Start button. 
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
