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Spam Tag Not Working: IO Errors or Access Denied Shown in Logs


This article describes the process to follow when Spam Tag does not work after performing basic troubleshooting and in the logs, you are able to see IO errors or access denied.


Root Cause

This is usually caused by some 3rd party security software, limiting access.



  1. Check the antivirus, backup or endpoint security software which may block access to necessary files. Please configure them to not scan the following directories:
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\GFI\MailEssentials SpamTag
  2. Restart the Machine.

If that does not helps uninstall them temporarily and restart machine Or configure them to Not start on Boot and then restart the machine.

  1. Uninstall spam tag from add remove software.
  2. Then remove folder \GFi\MailEssentials SpamTag\
  3. Run a Repair on outlook (within windows add remove programs you'll have the option). 
  4. Restart the machine again.
  5. Install Spam Tag.



Spam Tag should start working properly.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
