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Setting Permissions of Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes for Using GFI Archiver Mailbox Restore Tool


The GFI Archiver Mailbox Restore tool provides you with the facility to restore emails archived within GFI Archiver Stores to a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange Server.



Administrative access to your Exchange or Office 365:

  • Microsoft Exchange
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Microsoft Exchange Management Shell





The user running the GFI Archiver Mailbox Restore tool requires the following permissions:

Follow the steps given in this article to set mailbox permissions through the following applications:

  • Microsoft Exchange
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Microsoft Exchange Management Shell

Microsoft Exchange 2013/2016/2019 (with GFI MailArchiver 2013 or newer), or
Microsoft Office 365 (with GFI MailArchiver 2014 or newer):

NOTE: Specifically for Office 365, knowledge of the password of the destination mailbox is required and it must be entered manually when using the Mailbox Restore tool.

  1. Ensure that MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface) is enabled for the destination mailbox.
    • The following cmdlet can be used for this: Set-CASMailbox -Identity "Username" -MAPIEnabled $true
  2. Ensure a public folder is available per this Microsoft article and the user has access to that public folder.
  3. Install the SSL certificate of OWA in the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities of the GFI Archiver server using the steps below.
    • Copy the certificate to the client machine
    • On the client machine go to Start > Run...> type mmc.exe and press Enter
    • In the MMC window, select File > Add/Remove Snap-in
    • Click the Add... button, select Certificates and click Add
    • Select Computer Account and click Next
    • Select Local computer and click Finish
    • In the MMC, browse to the Certificates (Local Computer) > Trusted Root Certification Authories node
    • Right click the node and select All Tasks > Import
    • Locate the certificate copied in step 1 and import the certificate
    • Leave the password field blank and proceed to the end of the wizard

Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010:

  1. Open the Microsoft Exchange Management Console.
  2. Expand Recipient Configuration > Mailbox.
  3. Right-click the user you want to set the permissions for.
  4. Select Full Access Permissions.
  5. Click Add... and select the user that should have full permission on this mailbox.
  6. Click Manage and then Finish to apply the changes.

Microsoft Exchange 2003:

  1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers.
  2. Right-click the organization domain name, point to View and then click Advanced Features.
  3. Click the Users container (or the organizational unit where the user is located).
  4. Right-click the user account, and then select Properties.
  5. Click the Exchange Advanced tab.
  6. Click the Mailbox Rights button.
  7. In the Permission window, click the Add button to add yourself to the list of those whose are allowed to access this mailbox.
  8. In the next Permission window, click to select the Allow check box under Full Mailbox Access, and then click Apply to implement the changes.

You may also use Microsoft Exchange Management Shell to set the Permissions for a Mailbox:

  1. Open the Microsoft Exchange Management Shell.
  2. Enter the following command by replacing names as needed:
    Add-MailboxPermission -Identity "John Smith" -User TedBrem -AccessRights Fullaccess -InheritanceType all
    • The example grants user 'Ted Bremer' full access to the mailbox of the user 'John Smith'.
    • Learn more about applying and managing permissions from Microsoft support.

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Using GFI Archiver Mailbox Restore Tool

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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