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How to perform a search in GFI Archiver


This article will cover the details on performing a search with specified criteria as an extension of the Quick Search available when viewing mail from the Archive tab.

There are 3 different ways to perform searches to find content within the databases storing the archived data from the Archive tab as well as available tools to search.



The following search functions are available after navigating to the Archive web console and selecting the Archive tab. After storing the mail users may need to find a specific mail, requesting data for follow up, a legal request or other business needs.




Depending on where you are accessing the console from, there are a few different ways to navigate to it. Most commonly users will be accessing the WebUI from their workstation. As such, they will open a web browser and navigate to the Archiver URL. 

GFI Archiver URL which is made up of the following URL structure:

http://<GFI Archiver host name>/<GFI Archiver UI virtual folder name>

For example: 

New UI
Legacy UI


Quick Search

Note: The folder(s) being searched will change depending on the folder selected in mailbox. 

Quick Search


Use the text box in the toolbar to search all archived emails for the selected user across all Archive Stores. In the Quick Search text box, you can also use the following wildcards:

  • ? - Matches any single character
  • * - Matches any string of characters

For example:

To search for emails containing the word ‘Swiss’, key in ‘sw??s’ or ‘sw*s’.



Simple Search

The Simple Search is an extension of the Quick Search feature that enables you to use additional search criteria when searching for emails, files, calendar items or Fax/SMS messages in all Archive Stores.

To use Simple Search:

1. From the Archive tab, click the drop down icon  next to the Search text box.

2. In the Search for area, select Email, Files, Calendar or Fax to search for the specified item in all Archive Stores.

Use the following search features:

Option Description
Contains Enter a keyword to search for. You can also use the following wildcards:
  • ? - Matches any single character
  • * - Matches any string of characters
Subject Search for emails having a specific subject.
Sent date

Defines the date when the email to search for was sent.

From Specify the email address or display name of the email sender for which to search emails.

Specify the email address or display name of the email recipient for which to search emails.

Attachment Search for emails that have some specific content anywhere in the attachment.
Advanced options Click link to advanced options for an extensive range of search options discussed below.
Reset Resets the search conditions and enables you to start all over again.

Saves the search conditions as a saved search query that can be triggered at any time. Saved searches are displayed in the Classifications window under Archive tab.


Starts the search for the archived emails. Results are returned as per the conditions selected.



Advanced Search 


The Advanced Search is an extension of the Simple Search feature that enables you to use a wide range of search criteria when searching for archived items.

To use Advanced Search:

1. From the Archive tab, click the drop down icon  next to the Quick Search text box and select Advanced options.

Option Description
Search emails for Select the user from the available list.
Archive Store

Defines the Archive Store where the search will be performed. Select one or more Archive Stores from the available list of Archive Stores.

Sent date

Defines the date when the email to search for was sent.

Includes all/any

Defines whether to display items that match all conditions or items that match any of the conditions. From the drop-down list select:

  • All – Displays archived items that meet all the conditions specified.
  • Any – Displays archived items that match at least one of the conditions specified.

Click this button to add conditions. Available conditions are:

  • Subject – Search for emails having a specific subject.
  • Sender - Specify the email address or display name of the email sender for which to search emails.
  • Recipient - Specify the email address or display name of the email recipient for which to search emails.
  • BCC - Specify the email address or display name of the recipient whose address was keyed in the BCC field.
  • Sent Date - Search for emails sent before, after or exactly on a specific date. Key in or select a date, and select Is before, Is after or Is exactly.
  • Received Date - Search for emails received before, after or exactly on a specific date. Key in or select a date, and select Is before, Is after or Is exactly.
  • Start Date - Search for calendar items that start before, after or exactly on a specific date. Key in or select a date, and select Is before, Is after or Is exactly.
  • Size (KB) - Search for items that are bigger, smaller or equal to a particular size. Key in a size and select Is greater than, Is smaller than and Is exactly.
  • Message ID - Search using the ‘Message ID’ field contained in the email header. Key in or paste the message ID of the email to find.
  • Whole Item - Search for emails that have some specific content in the email body and attachments.
  • Body - Search for emails that have some specific content in the body.
  • Attachment - Search for emails that have some specific content anywhere in the attachment.
  • Contains document - Search only for emails that have an attached document.
  • Folder - Search for items contained in a specific mailbox folder.
  • Folder/Subfolders - Search for items contained in a specific subfolder within a mailbox folder.
  • Label - Search for emails labeled with a specific label.


Click  displayed next to a search condition to remove it.

Excludes any of these conditions

Defines a list of conditions that the archived items will NOT have to meet to be returned as a search result. Click  and select the conditions to apply. The conditions that can be selected are similar to the ones described above.


Click  displayed next to a search criteria to remove it from search.

Back to basic options Click to return to the Simple Search feature.
Reset Resets the search conditions and enables you to start all over again.

Saves the search conditions as a saved search query that can be triggered at any time. Saved searches are displayed in the Classifications window under Archive tab.


Starts the search for the archived items. Results are returned as per the conditions selected.


From the GFI Archiver Outlook Connector 

  1. Open Outlook
  2. Click the Search button
    User-added image
    • In Microsoft Outlook 2010 and up, it is accessible in the GFI Archiver tab on the ribbon
    • In previous version of Microsoft Outlook, it is located in the GFI Archiver Outlook Connector Status toolbar
  3. The search page will load in a separate window with the same search options as the GFI Archiver web interface Archive tab

GFI Archiver IMAP Client Access

Emails can be searched via the e-mail clients search options. 

Note: Only emails cached locally can be searched. 

From smart phones

From smart phone Internet browser, log in to GFI Archiver web interface. As shown above use the same URL method, or if accessing externally, use the external URL to access the Archive console.

User-added image

Note: The following wildcards are supported for all searches:

  • ? - Matches any single character
  • * - Matches any string of characters




Using the tools and search variables users will be able to create a search that locates the individual mail they are looking for and being able to access it from the Archiver tools. 

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
