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Synchronizing Cache for GFI Outlook Connector and GFI Archiver


  • There are specific instances when the GFI Archiver Outlook Connector's synchronized cache will need to be freshly synchronized with the most up to date information from the GFI Archiver server.

  • This article shares the process for performing a fresh synchronization between GFI Outlook Connector and GFI Archiver.



Perform these steps for every user on each personal workstation:

  1. Close Microsoft Outlook.

  2. Navigate to the GFI Archiver Outlook Connector installation folder, located with the user's local application data path:
    • Microsoft Windows Vista or newer: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\GFI\Archiver
    • Microsoft Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\GFI\Archiver

  3. Rename the local cache file within this directory from alphanumeric_filename.FDB to alphanumeric_filename.OLD. If multiple FDB extension files are present:
    • Open the StoreSettings.xml file.
    • Locate the Store ID attributed with the user whose cache is to be re-synchronized. This will match that of the FDB filename to be renamed.

  4. Open Microsoft Outlook.

  5. Leave Microsoft Outlook open until the GFI Archiver Outlook Connector store fully synchronizes.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
