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How to move search indexes


To move the search index of an Archive Store from GFI Archiver:
  1. Open the GFI Archiver web page
  2. Navigate to: Configuration > Archive Stores
  3. Select an Archive Store and click on the Summary button
  4. Take a note of the Path to search index
    • For example: C:\Program Files\GFI\Archiver\Indexes\2015 Jan
  5. Stop the GFI Archiver Search service
  6. Copy the entire index folder from step 4 to the new location
    • For example, copy: C:\Program Files\GFI\Archiver\Indexes\2015 Jan
    • to
    • E:\Archiver\Indexes\2015 Jan
  7. Start the GFI Archiver Search service
  8. Open the GFI Archiver web page
  9. Navigate to: Configuration > Archive Stores
  10. Select the same Archive Store again and click on the Edit button
  11. Complete wizard changing the Search Index location to the new location
  12. Confirm the index is online (Configuration > Archive Stores) and searchable
  13. Delete old search index folder from disk
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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