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How to enable journaling in Microsoft Exchange 2003


GFI Archiver relies on journaling in order to process emails for archiving. Microsoft Exchange journaling allows for a copy of every message that passes through the server to be sent to a specified mailbox. GFI Archiver then takes messages from that mailbox to add to its Archive Stores. To ensure that this functionality is available for your Microsoft Exchange 2003 server, please follow this procedure:
  1. Create a new journaling mailbox
    1. Select Start > Programs > Microsoft Exchange > Active Directory Users and Computers
    2. Expand the domain to archive emails from, right-click Users node and select New > User
    3. Key in a relevant User logon name (e.g. journal), fill in other new user details, and click Next.
    4. Key in a password, unselect user must change password at next logon option and enable user cannot change password and password never expires options. Click Next to continue setup.
    5. Click Next and review the new user details. Click Finish to create new user
  2. Configure email archival to journaling mailbox
    1. Select Start > Programs > Microsoft Exchange > System Manager
    2. Expand Servers > <Your Server name> > Storage group, right click Mailbox Store node and select Properties
    3. From the General tab, select the Archive all messages sent or received by mailboxes on this store check box and click the Browse button
    4. Select the journaling mailbox name you created in step one, for example ‘journal’, and click OK
    5. Close the Mailbox Store Properties dialog and the Exchange System Manager Management console
  3. Enable BCC information journaling
    • NOTE: It is highly recommended that you DO NOT enable this option but enable envelope journaling instead. Envelope journaling journals all the header information, not just the BCC data. For more information on envelope journaling refer to Step 4: Enable Envelope Journaling
    1. From command prompt, type regedit.exe
    2. Add the following registry key:
      • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeTransport\Parameters
    3. Add the following registry key and values:
      • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeTransport\Parameters\
        Key name: JournalBCC
        Data type: Dword
        Data value: 1
    4. Close Registry editor and from command prompt type services.msc. Restart Simple MailTransport Protocol and the Information Store services.
  4.  Enable Envelope Journaling
    • Envelope Journaling enables the archival of email header information.
    1. Using the exejcfg.exe tool
      1. Download the exejcfg.exe tool from:
      2. From the command prompt, navigate to the folder in which you copied the exejcfg.exe tool
      3. Type exejcfg -e and press Enter
        • exejcfg -d disables Envelope Journaling for that organization
    2. Using the ADSI editor
      1. Locate the adsiedit.msc tool from the Windows 2003 Server support tools
      2. From command prompt, navigate to the folder where adsiedit.msc is stored, type
        adsiedit.msc and then press Enter
      3. Expand ADSI Edit > Configuration > <CN=Configuration> > <CN=Services> >
        <CN=Microsoft Exchange> node
      4. Right-click the CN<your organization name> node and click Properties
      5. Select heuristics attribute from the Attributes list and click Edit
      6. Key in 512 and click OK
      7. Click OK to save and close the ADSIEdit console
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 9 days ago
