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Managing Agent Groups


The computer tree in Languard enables you to configure the agent properties of groups of computers, and this article provides the steps on how to do so.



  1. Open Languard From the computer tree, right-click a group of computers and click Properties.
  2. This step is optional - From the General tab, specify a name, type, and authentication method for the selected group.
  3. Select Agent Status, and configure the following options:



Enable automatic agents deployment

Automatically deploy agents on newly discovered computers.

Remove all agents

Remove all installed agents from this group.

Change scan schedule

Configure the schedule, when GFI LanGuard searches for new computers.

Scanning profile

Configure the audit schedule; when target computers are scanned.

Auto-remediation settings

Configure the auto-remediation actions to perform on all computers in this group. For more information, refer to Configuring Agent auto-remediation.

  1. Select Network Discovery and configure the following options:



Check automatically for new machines in this group.

GFI LanGuard will search for new machines automatically.

Change schedule

Change the schedule when GFI LanGuard searches for new computers.

Run now

Run network discovery.

Scan OU recursively

Recursively, loop through all organization units and enroll computers.

  1. Select the Attributes tab to manage the attributes assigned to the computer selected. Use the Add, Edit, and Remove buttons to control attributes.
  1. Click Relays tab to configure agent relays. Relays enable computers other than the one hosting GFI LanGuard to act as GFI LanGuard server. This helps you load-balance traffic directed to that machine and optimize network scanning performance.
  1. Configure the options described below:



Connect directly to GFI LanGuardserver

The selected computer will download product updates and patches from the GFI LanGuard server.

Use relay agent

The selected computer will use a relay agent to download product updates and patches. Select the relay agent to use from the drop-down list.

  1. Click OK.



You can now manage the Agent Groups as per the Steps 3), 4) and 7).

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
