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Failed to Install GFI LanGuard Error: 'Process ended with exit code:1639'


GFI LanGuard shows the console is detected as missing, but setup does not install it.
BSHelper.txt shows the following message:
Level::0, LanGuardBootStrapper.CreateMsiexecProcess: Process ended with exit code:1639


GFI LanGuard


  1. Run the GFI LanGuard installer.
  2. Select the Language but do not continue the installation or press Next. Leave it there and go to step 3.
  3. Browse to the temp folder in the %TEMP% directory.
    The initial installation should create a temp folder with two MSI files named LanGuard11Main.msi and LanGuard11Agent.msi.
  4. Copy the two MSI files to the desktop.
  5. Cancel the installation and run the LanGuard11Main.msi copied on the desktop.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 10 days ago
