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Does GFI LanGuard support uninstalling patches and applications?


GFI LanGuard can attempt to uninstall any software application or patch that the vendor supports the removal of if the vendor has added an uninstall string to the registry during the installation process. However, the level of support we offer for issues with this process varies by product.

Microsoft patches:

Most Microsoft patches can be uninstalled and Microsoft provides standardized methods that GFI LanGuard uses. Problems uninstalling Microsoft patches are fully supported by GFI and we will escalate confirmed issues to our development group for resolution.

Microsoft applications: 

Many Microsoft applications can be uninstalled by GFI LanGuard. Problems with uninstalling these programs are supported and we will escalate confirmed cases to our development group for assistance in removal.

Non-Microsoft applications and patches:

GFI supports the installation of patches on hundreds of non-Microsoft products. However, for uninstalling these, we cannot verify the uninstall process on all of them. GFI LanGuard uses the uninstall string from the registry (if available) and adds a "/S" for silent uninstall. This method works in many cases. However, in some cases this does not work and may produce an error. GFI technical support can only provide limited support for uninstalling these applications and patches. We will attempt to provide guidance on troubleshooting these issues within our software. We will not escalate these issues to our development group. Therefore, ultimately, it is up to the customer to research and find the uninstall commands necessary. Sometimes vendors will provide a separate application for uninstallation. Once an uninstall method is found, the uninstall of the software can normally be accomplished by GFI LanGuard by utilizing the Deploy Custom Software feature. Currently, the uninstall processes used in the "Uninstall Software Updates" and the "Auto-Uninstall" feature cannot be modified to uninstall using custom uninstall strings that you have discovered.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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