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Antivirus Not Detected When Scanning


This article describes the process to follow in case the antivirus is not detected when scanning a machine with GFI LanGuard.



  1. Open the GFI LanGuard console and select the Scanning Profiles Editor. To do this:
    1. Select Configuration > Scanning Profiles
    2. Right-click and select Scanning profiles management.
  2. In the GFI LanGuard Scanning Profiles Editor, select the intended scan profile.
  3. Go to Network & software audit options > Applications
  4. Select the Advanced options sub tab.
  5. Select Enable full security applications audit for agent-less scans
  6. Close the Scanning Profiles Editor, then attempt to run a scan using the edited scan profile.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 9 days ago
