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Installing GFI LanGuard Agent Manually via Command Prompt



Important Notes


  • Once the agent installation completes, it is also important that you run the deployment from the GFI LanGuard console, as it would not be aware of the new agent.

  • You must deploy at least one agent from the LanGuard console before attempting a manual installation of an agent. This process populates the Crmiini.xml file with the installation ID parameters that are necessary for the manual installation command to complete successfully.

  • InstallationID_from_Crmiini.xml is a server-specific ID located in the Crmiini.xml file of the GFI LanGuard install directory on the GFI LanGuard server.


Manually Installing GFI LanGuard 12


  1. Locate the LanGuard12Agent.msi found in the main install folder of GFI LanGuard, under the agent subdirectory on the GFI LanGuard server:
    <GFI Languard installation folder>\Agent

  2. Copy the LanGuard12Agent.msi file to the target machine.

  3. Using a Command Prompt on the target machine, run the following command to install the agents manually:

    LanGuard12agent.msi /qn GFIINSTALLID=[InstallationID_from_Crmiini.xml] /norestart /L*v %temp%\LANSS_v12_AgentKitLog.csv


    LanGuard12agent.msi /qn GFIINSTALLID=551ce557-a485-4fb6-af72-2e744fee1192 /norestart /L*v %temp%\LANSS_v12_AgentKitLog.csv


Manually Installing GFI LanGuard 2012, 2014, 2015


  1. Locate the LanGuard12Agent.msi found in the main install folder of GFI LanGuard, under the Agent subdirectory on the GFI LanGuard server: <GFI Languard installation folder>\Agent

  2. Copy the LanGuard11Agent.msi file to the target machine.

  3. From a Command Prompt on the target machine, run the following command to install the agent manually:

    LanGuard11agent.msi /qn GFIINSTALLID=[InstallationID_from_Crmiini.xml] /norestart /L*v %temp%\LANSS_v11_AgentKitLog.csv


    LanGuard11agent.msi /qn GFIINSTALLID=551ce557-a485-4fb6-af72-2e744fee1192 /norestart /L*v %temp%\LANSS_v11_AgentKitLog.csv 

NOTE: Any errors during the process will be logged to the LANSS_v11_AgentKitLog.csv or LANSS_v11_AgentKitLog.csv file.




GFI LanGuard Agent should be successfully installed/deployed on the target machine.



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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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