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Configuring Simple DNS Forwarding in Kerio Control


Kerio Control includes a DNS server. We recommend configuring the DNS server with the DHCP server together in Kerio Control. The DNS forwarding service only works for IPv4 and IPv6 is not supported.

This article provides the steps to configure simple DNS forwarding in Kerio Control.




Access to Kerio Control Webadmin

NOTE: In the case of Active Directory environments, Kerio Control forwards DNS (Domain Name Server) queries to the internal DNS if Kerio Control is joined to the domain.



  1. In the administration interface, go to Configuration > DNS.


  2. Select Enable the DNS forwarding service.
    • If the DNS forwarding service is disabled, the DNS module is used only as a Kerio Control's DNS resolver.

  3. Select Enable DNS cache for faster responses to repeat queries.
    • Responses to repeated queries are much faster with this option enabled (the same query sent by various clients is also considered as a repeated query).

  4. Before forwarding a DNS query, Kerio Control can perform a Local DNS lookup in a Hosts table, or hostnames found in the DHCP lease table:

    1. In the When resolving a name from the hosts table or the lease table, combine it with DNS domain below entry, specify the name of your local DNS domain. Following are two reasons for this:

      • DNS names in the Hosts table can be specified without the local domain (e.g., jsmith-pc). The DNS module can complete the query with the local domain.

      • A host can send the DNS query in the format. If the DNS module knows the local domain, the name is divided into the host: jsmith-pc and local domain:


    2. Click Apply.


Simple DNS forwarding is now enabled and Kerio Control can now forward the DNS queries to the internal DNS.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
