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Upgrading Kerio Control Versions 8.X and 9.0 to the Newest Version


This article describes how to upgrade Kerio Control version 8.x or 9.0 to the latest version while keeping all settings. Please note that you are eligible to receive new versions of Kerio Control and its components as soon as they are available once you purchase Kerio Control or extend your Software Maintenance.


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  1. In the Administration interface, navigate to Advanced Options and click on the Software Update tab.
  2. Click on Check now to immediately check for new versions.


  3. When a new version is available, click on Download in the Upgrade to new version section.
  4. Click on Upgrade now when the option is available.
  5. Click on Yes in the Confirm restart dialog box. The upgrade may take a couple of minutes, after which the login dialog appears.


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When the upgrade is complete, log in to Kerio Control administration interface and verify in Dashboard > System that the new version has been installed successfully.

Note: If any problems related to the update occur, check the debug logs by right-clicking the Debug log area and checking Messages > Update checker.




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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
