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Sending a Fax with Spaces Between the Numbers Trigger the Error C-0007


This article provides the details about the error C-0007 when is triggered by sending fax messages with spaces between the numbers and how to resolve it.

When a fax is sent to a fax number that contains spaces between the numbers (e.g., 123 456 with GFI FaxMaker Online client:

'C-0007 - Send failed'


Root Cause

The SMTP protocol does not allow to use spaces in an SMTP email address. Therefore, the spaces need to be removed from the fax number.



  • GFI FaxMaker Online Web services
  • GFI FaxMaker Client
  • All Supported Environments



Remove the spaces between the numbers in the dialed fax number.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 8 days ago
