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License key invalid or license details missing in WebMonitor ( ONLY)

Versions / Builds Affected

All Current Versions / builds



Problem Summary

After receiving a new key and entering the key in the licensing page or a build update WebMonitor returns a "Invalid key" or "Wrong key" message or the License details fields are missing SMA information.



How to Identify

1. Apply the troubleshooting procedures in article "License key not accepted in WebMonitor" To make it easier here the steps from that article: * Verify that the license key entered is correct and for the WebMonitor version that is installed ** A common mistake is not copying the last digit(s) when copy&pasting the key ** Use the "Verify a license key" section of Keys Admin to verify there is nothing wrong with the key ** Use a test machine to test the key *Make sure that there is enough free memory for the WebMonitor filter to load. Minimum requirements for WebMonitor can be found at * If using WebMonitor for ISA/TMG, confirm that the GFI WebMoitor filter is enabled in the ISA/TMG Management Console -> Web Filters * If using WebMonitor Standalone Proxy version, make sure that the GFI Proxy service is running * Check that there isn't a debugger attached to the following process as this will cause the licensing in WebMonitor to fail, e.g. if Debug Diagnostic or ADPlus is installed on the server, make sure they do not have a rule to create a memory dump if the service crashes: ** WebMonitor on Microsoft ISA 2004 / 2006 - wspsrv.exe (Microsoft Firewall service) ** WebMonitor on microsoft Firefront TMG - wspsrv.exe (Microsoft Forefront TMG Firewall service) ** WebMonitor Standalone Proxy - gfiproxy.exe (GFI Proxy service) NOTE: After making any changes, depending on the environment the Microsoft Firewall, Microsoft Forefront TMG Firewall, or the GFI Proxy service needs to be restarted to reload the WebMonitor filter. (If any of those steps fixed the issue attach the article "License key not accepted in WebMonitor" to the case.) 2. If this is a WebMonitor Standalone Proxy installation, and the service doesn't start after following through the steps of (1.), the article "Attendant and Proxy service not starting as local system (INTERNAL ONLY)" could apply 3. On the ISA/TMG version manually register the WebMonPlg.dll. To do so navigate into the ISA/TMG installation folder on the command line and run "regsvr32.exe webmonplg.dll". If there is no error message the key should be accepted now. If not, restart the firewall service and the WebMon services. Also make sure that the Webfilter is enabled in ISA. If there is an error have a look at the next 2 steps 4. If the installation is on Microsoft TMG x32 refer to article: "Unsupported installation on 32-bit TMG (INTERNAL ONLY)" 5. If the installation is on Microsoft 2008 R2 and TMG refer to article: "WebMonPlg.dll can't be registered on 2008 R2 and TMG (INTERNAL ONLY)" 6. If the issue persists, refer to the 'Required Actions' below NOTE: Based on the recent cases this is the most likely order of what will help: 3. (91%) 2. (5%) 1. (2%) 4. (1%) 5. (1%)

Workaround / Fix Details

Resolved in WebMonitor 2013

Required Actions

- Go through the 'How to Identify' section above - If the issue is solved, attach the article that corresponds to the problem - If the issue persists: 1. Collect troubleshooter files with debug enabled 3. Document the troubleshooting steps done in the case notes 4. Attach this article to the case and escalate it
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
