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How to move the GFI WebMonitor SQL database to a new location


  1. Ensure that the new location is initialized and partitioned correctly on the machine that will host the database
  2. Temporarily close the GFI WebMonitor user interface and stop the GFI WebMonitor services.  
  3. Open Microsoft SQL Management Studio, login with the Microsoft SQL administrator username and password, open the database list and find the database in question. Right click on the database and select detach.
  4. Open Microsoft Windows Explorer and browse to the location of the database and right click on the database and select copy, browse to the new location for the database and select paste
  5. Inside the Microsoft SQL Management Studio, browse to the new location of the database, re-attach the database
  6. Start the GFI Webmonitor services that were stopped in step 2
  7. Open the GFI WebMonitor and go to Settings > General > Database (GFI WebMonitor 2015 and above go to Settings > Core settings > Database)
  8. Select the authentication type and new database location
  9. Save the changes
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 8 days ago
