Overview This article provides information on upgrading your GFI license key to the current version. Diagnosis Upgrading to a major release of any GFI product (for example, from version 10 to 11) u...
Overview This article gives instructions for activating a product license key when using a GFI Unlimited subscription. Diagnosis When logged into the Accounts Portal, whether you are an end user o...
Overview You may notice information is incorrect when viewing your license key. This would not be account or user data in the Accounts Portal, but this data only seems to show when viewing the licens...
Overview This article provides information on how to handle licensing issues such as expired license keys, license key renewal, and other issues associated with licenses (i.e., renewal notifications a...
Overview GFI Support agents have access to the GFI Accounts Portal and are able to see customer's account information as well as their license information. Occasionally, depending on the issue, GFI S...