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Upgrading and downgrading

  • Upgrading Kerio Connect older than Version 9.0.0

    Overview When upgrading your current Kerio Connect setup older than version 9.0, for example, 8.3.4 patch 1, it requires a specific procedure to follow. The process includes the upgrade path to the mi...

  • Upgrading Kerio Connect to the Latest Version

    Overview Kerio Connect can be upgraded automatically or manually. If an automatic upgrade is enabled and functions correctly, all the latest releases of the product (including the new features/functio...

  • Upgrading and Downgrading the Kerio Connect Multi-Server

    Overview   This article covers the upgrade and downgrade process in the Kerio Connect Multi-Server, which can install Kerio Connect updates automatically. Administrators can download the new version o...

  • Upgrading Kerio Connect on VMware

    Overview The Kerio Connect virtual appliance is designed to be used with VMware products. It includes the Debian Linux operating system and Kerio Connect.  A terminal is available to perform the produ...

  • Downgrading Kerio Connect to a Previous Version

    Overview   There may be a need to perform a downgrading procedure for Kerio Connect due to various reasons (performance issues, latency bugs, etc.). This article provides the process for downgrading K...