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Archive Stores

  • Scheduling Archive Stores

    Overview The Archive Store Schedule enables you to set the frequency with which GFI Archiver automatically starts archiving emails to a new Archive Store. IMPORTANT Changing these settings can affect ...

  • Attaching an Archive Store

    Overview GFI Archiver Archive Stores can be detached and attached again, for example when moving GFI Archiver to a new server. For information on how to detach an Archive Store, refer to Detaching an ...

  • Configuring New Archive Store Settings

    Overview A GFI Archiver database is required to store archived items, you would now be guided to create New Archive Store Settings that are used as a template by GFI Archiver to create new Archive Sto...

  • Detaching an Existing Archive Store

    Overview GFI Archiver Archive Stores can be detached and attached again, for example when moving GFI Archiver to a new server. For information on how to attach an Archive Store, refer to Attaching an ...

  • Creating a Backup of Archive Store Database

    Overview This article describes the process of creating a backup of an Archive Store. Depending on the type of Database in use different Archive stores will require different levels of backup. The dir...

  • Microsoft SQL Server Database Growing Large

    Overview Each record in the GFI Software database may add data to the transaction log file (LDF) of the same database. Therefore, when using GFI Software products, the size of the Microsoft SQL back-e...

  • Processing Orphaned Files in Core\Queue or MAIS\Queue

    Overview This article will cover the process to manually review orphaned files located in the Core\Queue and MAIS\Queue directories and reprocess for archival   Diagnosis   Administrators may notice t...

  • Email Upload Warning when emails are not being uploaded to Archive Store

    Overview GFI Archiver: Email Upload Warning error notification received when Emails stop being uploaded from Core/Queue to the Archive Store database   Diagnosis   Administrators are receiving an emai...

  • Drive space is filling quickly due to transaction logs

    Overview This article provides details on a common cause of the error which occurs when messages are not being archived or you are unable to update schema due to running out of drive space.   Diagnosi...

  • How to move a GFI Archiver database to another Microsoft SQL Server

    Overview This article describes the process for moving Archiver databases between SQL servers and the necessary steps to move all files without data impact   Diagnosis   When moving between SQL server...