This article gives information on how to correct when faxes are randomly cut off or having lines or partial images.
Cut off faxes can be described the following ways:
- Missing pages
- Pages being compressed into a wide line (although that is hard to determine)
- Pages with only part of the page present or partial images on a page
This can be reported on inbound faxes from end users or outbound faxes, from people who receive your faxes and request them to be resent.
Fax modems can be configured various ways whether in Windows and Device Manager or in FaxMaker itself. Sometimes when faxes are cut off or the quality is not as good as it should be it is due to device settings and internal communication.
COM Port
We have seen issues when using a specific COM Port. Changing the COM Port used by the modem has resolved this issue in previous tickets. The root cause would lie in Windows and how the COM Port is being used or regulated. This would be changed in the modem properties in WIndows Device Manager and would vary by model.
Communication Speed
In many cases, the speed setting (Bits per second) on the COM Port can be set too fast. Dropping this to 14400 and testing can help with quality issues as well as failures.
Once the COM Port or speed has been changed, test with a fax that has had quality issues before and confirm the issue is no longer present.
Priyanka Bhotika