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How to track where a received fax goes ( ONLY)


When GFI FaxMaker receives a fax, it logs the following information which is useful for tracking in this order:
  1. The fax image is saved to the \in\ folder 
  2. The fax properties (date, time, sender, etc.) are written to the receive log 
  3. The routing rules are parsed (if no routing rules match, the 'default router' is used) 
  4. The fax image is copied to the \in\pending\ folder (if a routing rule defines sending the fax to email) 
  5. The fax is emailed using the email address obtained from the routing rule and the Email2FaxGateway configuration 
  6. The SMTP_in log is updated with the results of the SMTP transfer to the mail server 
A typical scenario for tracking a fax configured to be received to email would be:
  1. Check the receive log to see if the fax was received 
  2. Note the date, time, and email recipient 
  3. Based on the date & time, check  the SMTP_in log to see if the fax was sent to the mail server successfully 
  4. If the SMTP_in log indicates "success, message uploaded" then GFI FaxMaker is done with the message 
  5. If the SMTP_in log does not indicate success, then troubleshoot accordingly 
Note: These steps are not exhaustive nor intended to cover all possibilities for the data flow of a received fax. However, these steps and the typical scenario account for most faxes received by a user (contrasted with faxes received programmatically by a third party application).
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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