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All Faxes Are Routing to the Default Router, Not to the Intended Recipient


In rare scenarios, when a fax is received successfully through GFI FaxMaker, the fax is routed to the "Default Router" instead of the intended recipient. This issue may occur post upgrade of GFI FaxMaker and is associated with the Dialogic Brooktrout TR114 series fax boards.


  • GFI FaxMaker 14
  • GFI FaxMaker 2011
  • Dialogic Brooktrout TR114 series fax board

Root Cause

The drivers do not upgrade with the GFI FaxMaker upgrade process. The reason for this is that the Dialogic Brooktrout TR114 series fax boards have been end-of-life by manufacturer for several years. Therefore, the drivers are very outdated, causing unexpected results in specific scenarios.


Attempt to reinstall the TR114 drivers: 
  1. Remove the TR114 drivers from Add/remove programs.
  2. Temporarily disable any Antivirus applications in use.
  3. Navigate to the ..Program Files\GFI\FaxMaker\Brooktrout directory in Windows Explorer.
  4. Run the brooktrout_tr114.exe file to install the TR114 drivers.
  5. Post driver install, be sure to complete the wizard which should appear for this device.
If the steps above do not resolve the issue, download the following patches.

GFI FaxMaker 14:

Follow the readme found in the zip file for patch application.

GFI FaxMaker 2011: 

Download: FM2011 PATCH 20110207 01
Follow the readme found in the zip file for patch application.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
