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Supported Fax Fields and Parameters for GFI FaxMaker


This article details the supported fax fields and parameters in GFI FaxMaker, particularly: 

For more information, see the article: Sample XMLAPIs for Fax and SMS.

Message Fields

In the <fields> container, specify the following information:

Subject XML Path


Type String
Disposition Optional
Details Specify the subject of the fax.

<subject>This is a fax subject</subject>

Schedule XML Path \faxmakerdata\fields\schedule
Type String
Disposition Optional

Specify the date and time when to send the fax in the following format:



  • YYYY - year
  • MM - month
  • DD - day
  • hh - hours in 24-hour clock format
  • mm - minutes
  • ss - seconds


Priority XML Path \faxmakerdata\fields\priority
Type String
Disposition Optional

Set message priority. The valid values are:

  • low
  • normal
  • high
  • veryhigh


Billing code XML Path \faxmakerdata\fields\billingcode
Type String
Disposition Optional. Required when Billing is enabled.
Details Sets the sender’s billing code of the message.


Resolution XML Path \faxmakerdata\fields\resolution
Type String
Disposition Optional

Use this parameter to specify the resolution of the fax. Valid values are:

  • Normal (200 * 100 dpi)
  • High (200 * 200 dpi)


Coverpage XML Path \faxmakerdata\fields\coverpage
Type String
Disposition Optional

By default, fax is sent using the default Coverpage configured in GFI FaxMaker. Use this parameter to send a fax using a particular Coverpage. Key in the Coverpage to use, using one of the following:

  • Name of Coverpage as configured in GFI FaxMaker.
  • The filename of a Coverpage stored in <GFI FaxMaker installation folder>\Coverpage.
    For example, generic.htm.


Front Covernote XML Path \faxmakerdata\fields\frontcovernote
Type String
Disposition Optional

By default, fax is sent using the default Front Covernote configured in GFI FaxMaker. Use this parameter to send a fax using a particular Front Covernote. Key in the Front Covernote to use, using one of the following:

  • Name of Front Covernote as configured in GFI FaxMaker.
  • The filename of a Front Covernote stored in <GFI FaxMaker installation folder>\Coverpage.
    Example: MyCovernote.htm


Fax Line XML Path \faxmakerdata\fields\faxline
Type Number
Disposition Optional

Use this parameter to request the fax to be sent on a particular fax line. Specify the fax line number as configured in GFI FaxMaker Configuration.

NOTE: If the line is busy or unavailable, the fax is sent on another line. To send the fax strictly from a particular line, use the following attribute:



<faxline demandline="true">3</faxline>

Header XML Path \faxmakerdata\fields\faxheader
Type String
Disposition Optional
Details Enter a custom personal header that is added to the fax header at the top of the fax.

<faxheader>This is a fax header</faxheader>

Unique ID XML Path \faxmakerdata\fields\uid
Type String [255 Chars. max.]
Disposition Optional
Details Specify an identifier that is used to mark the message. The uniqueness of this identifier is up to the creator of the message. The maximum number of characters is 255.


TextAPI XML Path \faxmakerdata\fields\textapi
Type String
Disposition Optional
Details Used to specify a single line of TextAPI commands (including the '::' prefix). This field can be specified multiple times.


Message body file XML Path \faxmakerdata\fields\bodyfile
Type Full path or filename

Optional: Either an attachment or a fax message body file is required.


Uses the contents of the file as a body of the message in the fax Coverpage. Specify the body file in the following format:

  • Full path: Specify the full path (including the file name) of the body file. The file is automatically deleted on pickup.
  • File name only: Enter only the filename if the body file is stored in the coverpages folder: <GFI FaxMaker installation folder>\Coverpage. In this case, the body file is not deleted on pickup.

NOTE: Ensure that the body file is fully stored in the appropriate location before storing the XMLAPI files in the pickup folder. If the body file is not accessible by GFI FaxMaker during pickup, the fax fails.

Use the type attribute to specify the type of body file. Use one of the following attributes:

  • type="text/html" - Specify this attribute when message body text is in HTML format.
  • type="text/rtf" - Specify this attribute when message body text is in RTF format. Use RTF message body files with RTF coverpages only.
  • type="text/plain" - Specify this attribute when message body text is in plain text format.

If no file type attribute is specified, the message is entered as plain text.


<bodyfile type="text/plain">c:\temp\bodyfile.txt</bodyfile>

Attachment XML Path \faxmakerdata\fields\attachment
Type Full path or filename

Optional (maximum 60 attachments)

NOTE: Either an attachment or a fax message body file is required.


Attaches the contents of the file specified to the fax. Specify the body file in the following format:

  • Full path: Specify the full path (including the file name) of the attachments.
  • File name only: Enter only the filename if attachments are stored in the same folder as the XMLAPI.

NOTE: Ensure that attachment files are fully stored in the appropriate location before storing the XMLAPI files in the pickup folder. If attachments are not accessible by GFI FaxMaker during pickup, the fax fails.

NOTE: Attachments are deleted after pickup.



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Sender Fields 

In the <sender> container, specify the sender information as follows:

First name XML Path \faxmakerdata\sender\firstname
Type String
Disposition Optional
Details Sets the first name of the sender.
Example <firstname>John</firstname>
Last name XML Path \faxmakerdata\sender\lastname
Type String
Disposition Optional
Details Sets the last name of the sender.
Example <lastname>Smith</lastname>
Company XML Path \faxmakerdata\sender\company
Type String
Disposition Optional
Details Sets the company name of the sender.
Example <company>MyCompany Name</company>
Department XML Path \faxmakerdata\sender\department
Type String
Disposition Optional
Details Sets the department of the sender.
Example <department>Sales</department>
Phone number XML Path \faxmakerdata\sender\voicenumber
Type String
Disposition Optional
Details Sets the voice phone number of the sender.
Example <voicenumber>+1(800)1234 5678</voicenumber>
Email address XML Path \faxmakerdata\sender\emailaddress
Type String
Disposition Required
Details Sets the email address of the sender.
Example <emailaddress></emailaddress>

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Fax Recipient Fields

In the <recipient> container, specify the recipient information. For faxes, add a <fax> container and a <recipient> container.

For example:




<faxnumber>+1 800 1234 5678</faxnumber>




Insert other parameters and fields in the <recipient> container as follows:

First name XML Path \faxmakerdata\recipients\fax\recipient\firstname
Type String
Disposition Optional
Details Sets the first name of the recipient.
Example <firstname>Joe</firstname>
Last name XML Path \faxmakerdata\recipients\fax\recipient\lastname
Type String
Disposition Optional
Details Sets the last name of the recipient.
Example <lastname>Bloggs</lastname>
Company XML Path \faxmakerdata\recipients\fax\recipient\company
Type String
Disposition Optional
Details Sets the company name of the recipient.
Example <company>FaxRecipient Company Ltd.</company>
Department XML Path \faxmakerdata\recipients\fax\recipient\department
Type String
Disposition Optional
Details Sets the department of the recipient.
Example <department>Marketing</department>
Fax Number XML Path \faxmakerdata\recipients\fax\recipient\faxnumber
Type String
Disposition Required
Details Sets the fax number of the recipient.
Example <faxnumber>+1(800)8765 4321</faxnumber>
Phone Number XML Path \faxmakerdata\recipients\fax\recipient\voicenumber
Type String
Disposition Optional
Details Sets the telephone (voice) number of the recipient.
Example <voicenumber>+1(800)8765 4444</voicenumber>
Email Address XML Path \faxmakerdata\recipients\fax\recipient\emailaddress
Type String
Disposition Optional
Details Sets the email address of the recipient.
Example <emailaddress></emailaddress>

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Sending Fax to Multiple Recipients

A fax can be sent to multiple recipients.
To process this, add multiple <recipient>...</recipient> containers.
For example:





<faxnumber>+1 800 1111 1111</faxnumber>




<faxnumber>+1 800 2222 2222</faxnumber>




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