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Sample XMLAPI Fax and SMS for GFI FaxMaker


This article provides XMLAPI examples for Fax and SMS in GFI FaxMaker.

For more information on how to produce XMLAPI's, please visit Factors When Creating XMLAPI for GFI FaxMaker.


ReferenceSupported Fax Fields and Parameters for GFI FaxMaker.

Below is a sample fax XMLAPI that sends a fax with subject Test Invoice to two recipients. 
For this example, two other files are used:

  • Attachment file:  mswordfile.doc
  • Body file: a plain text file bodyfile.txt

These files are stored in c:\temp\ before storing the XMLAPI in the pickup folder.
They will be deleted from c:\temp\ when the fax is picked up by GFI FaxMaker.

 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <faxmakerdata>
3 <fields>
4 <subject>Test Invoice</subject>
5 <schedule>2017-10-10-08:15:00</schedule>
6 <priority>high</priority>
7 <billingcode>25</billingcode>
8 <resolution>high</resolution>
9 <coverpage>corporate</coverpage>
10 <frontcovernote>letterhead</frontcovernote>
11 <faxline demandline="true">3</faxline>
12 <faxheader>this is fax header text</faxheader>
13 <bodyfile type="text/plain">
14 c:\temp\bodyfile.txt
15 </bodyfile>
16 <attachment>
17 c:\temp\mswordfile.doc
18 </attachment>
19 <uid>3a5a90s7de3g20k9y4d5e7e6fse28se5e097</uid>
20 </fields>
21 <sender>
22 <firstname>John</firstname>
23 <lastname>Doe</lastname>
24 <company>MyCompany Ltd.</company>
25 <department>Sales</department>
26 <faxnumber>1234 5678</faxnumber>
27 <voicenumber>9876 5432</voicenumber>
28 <emailaddress></emailaddress>
29 </sender>
30 <recipients>
31 <fax>
32 <recipient>
33 <firstname>Jane</firstname>
34 <lastname>Doe</lastname>
35 <company>JaneBloggs Company</company>
36 <department>Marketing</department>
37 <faxnumber>1122 3344</faxnumber>
38 <voicenumber>5566 7788</voicenumber>
39 <emailaddress>
41 </emailaddress>
42 </recipient>
43 <recipient>
44 <firstname>Bob</firstname>
45 <lastname>Jones</lastname>
46 <company>BobJones Company</company>
47 <department>Accounts</department>
48 <faxnumber>9988 7766</faxnumber>
49 <voicenumber>5544 3322</voicenumber>
50 <emailaddress>
52 </emailaddress>
53 </recipient>
54 </fax>
55 </recipients>
56 </faxmakerdata>

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ReferenceSupported SMS Fields and Parameters in GFI FaxMaker

Below is a sample SMS XMLAPI that sends an SMS to two recipients.

For this example, a file is used - bodyfile.txt.

This file is stored in c:\temp\ before storing the XMLAPI in the pickup folder. 
GFI FaxMaker deletes bodyfile.txt from c:\temp\ when it picks up the XMLAPI.

 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <faxmakerdata>
3 <fields>
4 <bodyfile type="text/plain">
5 c:\temp\bodyfile.txt
6 </bodyfile>
7 </fields>
8 <sender>
9 <emailaddress>
11 </emailaddress>
12 </sender>
13 <recipients>
14 <sms>
15 <recipient>
16 <smsnumber>
17 +1 800 2222 2222
18 </smsnumber>
19 </recipient>
20 <recipient>
21 <smsnumber>
22 +1 800 3333 3333
23 </smsnumber>
24 </recipient>
25 </sms>
26 </recipients>
27 </faxmakerdata>

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