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Web Client Printer Driver


The GFI FaxMaker Web Client Printer enables users to print documents on their machines before sending the fax using the Web Client. This ensures that file conversion processing on the GFI FaxMaker server is minimized. This also enables users to use native applications to print documents which cannot be converted on the GFI FaxMaker server. For example, users that have Adobe InDesign installed on their machines can fax Adobe InDesign documents by printing documents to the GFI FaxMaker Web Printer.

This article covers the following:

  • Installing the Web Printer
  • Sending a fax using the Web Printer


Installing the Web Printer

Note: The Web Printer cannot be installed on a machine where the GFI FaxMaker Client is already installed.

  1. Log in to the GFI FaxMaker Web Interface.
  2. From the top menu bar, click web_settings_icon.png to open the settings screen and select Client from the left pane.
  3. Under Web Printer Installer, read the terms and conditions, and if you agree, choose I agree with the Web Printer Terms and Conditions. The Web Printer cannot be downloaded if you do not accept the terms and conditions.
  4. Click Download to start the download.
  5. On download completion, launch the installer.
  6. Key in the GFI FaxMaker Server URL. This value is the same as the address used to access the web interface login page. For example, Click Test to verify.
  7. Click Install to start the installation.
  8. Click Finish on completion.

A new printer FAXmaker is now added to your list of printer devices.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
