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FaxMaker Configuration Wizard


This article provides the process of configuring GFI FaxMaker using the FaxMaker Configuration Wizard.




The FaxMaker Configuration Wizard runs automatically after the installation of FaxMaker completes.

FaxMaker Configuration Wizard can also be run manually from Start > Programs > GFI FaxMaker > GFI FaxMaker Configuration Wizard.

  1. Click Next on the Configuration Wizard's welcome screen.
  2. The GFI FaxMaker Client and other Web Services API applications connect to GFI FaxMaker over HTTP port 8555. If this port is not open, click OK to have GFI FaxMaker automatically open the necessary ports. You can also open these ports manually.
  3. When GFI FaxMaker is not installed on the same machine running Microsoft®Exchange, configure the mail server options. Select how to forward faxes and SMSs to GFI FaxMaker from the following options and then click Next.



    Faxes and SMS will be forwarded directly to this machine via SMTP email, via APIs or when using the GFI FaxMaker Client.

    Select this option when using any of the following methods to send faxes:

    • GFI FaxMaker Client
    • Web client
    • TextAPI, XMLAPI or Web Services API
    • Email such that your mail server is configured to forward all faxes and SMSs to GFI FaxMaker via SMTP. 


    GFI FaxMaker will download faxes and SMSs from a POP3 mailbox

    Select this option if GFI FaxMaker downloads fax/SMS from a dedicated POP3 mailbox. 

    Specify the details of the dedicated POP3 mailbox.

    IMPORTANT: Ensure that there are no emails in the mailbox and that it is dedicated to GFI FaxMaker only. Any emails in the mailbox are downloaded by GFI FaxMaker and permanently deleted.


    1. Specify mail server details where GFI FaxMaker forwards received fax emails and click Next to continue.



      Mail server name or IP address

      Enter the name or IP address of the mail server where to upload received faxes.

      Use Secure Connection

      Choose this option when the mail server requires a secure connection. Choose the type of encryption required SSL or TLS.

      Use SMTP Authentication

      Instructs GFI FaxMaker to connect to the mail server using specific user credentials. Enter credentials in the Account and password text boxes. Select Secure Password Authentication if required by the mail server.

      Secure Password Authentication

      Secure Password Authentication (SPA) is a Microsoft protocol used to authenticate mail clients with an electronic mail server.  

      In most cases this is not selected.  


  4. Specify the Country code of the country where the fax lines are connected. This is used by GFI FaxMaker to determine the appropriate number to dial (for example, removes the country code for faxes within the same country). Click Next to continue.

  5. Select the fax devices to use with GFI FaxMaker and then click Next to continue.

  6. Set up your fax lines in GFI FaxMaker. Click Configure lines... to launch the Add fax line tool. Use this tool to add your fax lines. 
  7. When installing GFI FaxMaker for the first time on a server that is part of an Active Directory environment, choose the user directory service to use. Choose Active Directory to add users from Active Directory, or GFI Directory to install and manage users in GFI Directory. To help you choose, refer to Choosing a user directory service. If GFI FaxMaker is NOT installed in an Active Directory environment, GFI Directory must be used and is automatically installed by the Configuration Wizard.

  8. If Active Directory is not found or if GFI Directory is chosen and installed the first time, the wizard prompts to create the default administrator in GFI Directory. This user is added to GFI FaxMaker, set as an administrator and set as the default fax/SMS router. Key in the user details and click Next.
  9. Specify the GFI FaxMaker users and administrators, depending on the user directory environment.


  10. Wizard will now test the mail server settings. Click Test to send a test email to the configured fax administrators. Click Next to continue.


    Note: If the test fails, the error condition is displayed. Use the error to troubleshoot and resolve issues. For more information, refer to the FaxMaker Common Failures for the Email Connection Test article.

  11. GFI FaxMaker now starts the faxserver and message transfer agent services. Click Next to continue.
  12. Click Finish.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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